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Items where Subject is "Quality of Work Life / Job Satisfaction"

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Agbanobi, Erhuvwu (2021) Impact of Career Selection on Job Satisfaction. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Ajayi-Balogun, Mariam Adenike (2022) The Impact of Flexible Working Arrangements on Employee Job Satisfaction in the Irish Retail Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Alves Silva, Taynara (2021) The impact of Leadership Behaviours on Employee Engagement in Financial Services Organisations in Brazil. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Anyaku, Onyinye Ruth (2019) The challenges and effects of work-life balance on organisational performance of Nigerian women employees: A case study of Lagos state. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Barber, Eric (2018) Job Satisfaction - To determine whether Irish graduates’ favour intrinsic factors over extrinsic factors when choosing a place of employment? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Barrio, Maria Luz (2022) An investigation into the factors affecting turnover of Generation Z employees in the Human Resources function in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Beattie, Ellen (2022) What impact has remote work had on performance management, employee engagement levels, and social isolation for office workers during the pandemic from a manager’s perspective? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Bell, Grace (2014) Changing Care Culture: Exploring the Relationship between Employee Beliefs, Affective Commitment and Job Satisfaction Following a Change from Traditional to Person-Centred Care in Two Irish Nursing Homes. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Bernal Tovar, Alberto (2023) The impact of the combination of Remote and Face-to-face work in employees from Guidewire Software Company in Dublin, after COVID-19. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Bharti, Sumit Kumar (2020) Employee well-being and Organisational Growth. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Billington, Charlotte (2022) Burnout and job satisfaction in healthcare staff: A questionnaire survey. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Boatametse, Neo Kesego (2019) The assessment of employee turnover among healthcare assistants (HCA's) in Dublin - Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Bohan, Rachel (2022) A Multiple Regression Analysis of the Impact Organisation Size, Frequency of Remote Work, and Personality have on the Wellbeing of Remote Workers Based in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Bolger, Peter (2021) Has enforced working from home during the Covid 19 pandemic impacted Employee Wellbeing, Employee Engagement or Employee Motivation? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Boon, Tanya (2021) An Exploratory Study into the Mental Health Experiences of Employees who do not Maintain a Good Work Life Balance. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Botrel Vilela, Aline (2021) Impact of flexible working arrangements on employee’s engagement and satisfaction: An exploratory study of employee age and gender. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Boyce, Sonya (2007) Exploration of a Redundancy Situation on the Workforce and the Impact it has on the Employees that are left behind. Undergraduate thesis, National College of Ireland.

Boyd, Janine (2019) An exploratory study into the work-life balance of self-employed mothers who work full-time from home. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Brennan, Annie (2021) An Economic Crisis in Action: The Effects of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Employees. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Brennan, Christine (2018) The impact Work-life policies can have on Part-Time employees in comparison to Full-Time Workers in the Irish Retail Sector and the effect it can have on their Job Satisfaction, Organisational Commitment and Motivation. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Butt, Maria (2022) The effects of remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic on the work-life balance and employee satisfaction of employees in the Republic of Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Byrne, David (2023) A quantitative study on the impact working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the attitudes of financial service employees in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Byrne, Megan (2018) Work Performance and Work-Life Balance: To investigate if social media use by Generation Y employees negatively impacts their work performance and work-life balance. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Byrne, Rachael (2021) “How COVID-19 has shaped remote working” A critical examination of the impacts of COVID-19 on remote workers in the pharmaceutical industry. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Cairns, Sandra (2004) Flexible Working Arrangements: The Challenges and Benefits for Organisations. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Callanan, Darina (2019) An Exploratory Study of Reward Management Systems; Millennial's vs Generation Z. A Qualitative Study. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Cavanagh, Erin (2021) To what degree is there a link between Task-Orientated Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction within the Food and Beverage Sector? Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Chime, Emilia (2016) Investigating the extent to which on the job training influences job satisfaction and examining other contributory Factors in the Irish retail sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Clarke, Joyce (2014) Irish Prison Officers’ Perception of Job Burnout. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Collins, Gráinne (2013) Work Engagement : An exploration into the barriers and facilitators that affect Clerical Officers abilities to engage in the Irish Civil Service. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Condon, Eimhin (2021) A quantitative study on the effects of Covid-19 related remote working upon Department of Social Protection staff with particular regard to well-being, work/life balance, and motivation. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Congdon, Deirdre (2017) A mixed method research project, investigating healthcare professional’s perception of the worth of participating in an 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programme, and the perceived correlation it has with increased work satisfaction and ability to self-manage stress within the working environment. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Connolly, Hugh (2017) For generation Y, what is their preferred method of reward management for those working in Ireland? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Conway, Mary (2006) Family Friendly Work Arrangements: An inquiry into the provision, range and benefits of family friendly work arrangements that exceed the statutory minimum and which aim to assist employees to merge employment with their personal life (within public, private, semi-state & voluntary sector companies). Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Corcoran, Alan (2012) Does the Psychological Contract in the Voluntary/Community Sector in Ireland have distinctive features compared with the private sector? Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Costigan, Lucy (2005) Professional and Personal Development and Trade Union Membership of Information Technology Workers in the Republic of Ireland and the United States. Volume 1. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Costigan, Lucy (2005) Professional and Personal Development and Trade Union Membership of Information Technology Workers in the Republic of Ireland and the United States. Volume 2. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Coyle, Georgina (2021) An Investigation Into The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Creegan, Jean (2018) Can the use of a Performance Management System Increase Job Satisfaction and Retention in the Retail Sector in Ireland?: A Quantitative investigation into the use of a performance management system in the retail sector to increase job satisfaction and reduce staff turnover. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Cummins, Grace (2019) An investigation into what factors need to be considered in the management of different generations in a financial services company in Ireland in relation to each cohort's work values and attitudes to work. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Curran, Adam (2021) What is the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and mandatory WFH on the work-life balance, productivity, and social isolation of Civil Servants in Ireland? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Curtis, Leanne (2020) An Investigation into the Work Life Balance of Full-Time Female Asset Management Employees in Dublin, Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Daly, Amanda (2019) A Study Investigating the Impact of Work-Life Balance on Job Satisfaction and Levels of Perceived Stress in Full-time Employees. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Darcy, Colette and McCarthy, Alma (2006) Work Family Conflict: An Examination of the Differential Effects of a Dependent Child's Age on Working Parents. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, 6th-8th September 2006, University College Cork, Ireland. (Submitted)

Darcy, Colette and McCarthy, Alma (2007) Work-family conflict: An exploration of the differential effects of a dependent child's age on working parents. Journal of European Industrial Training, 31 (7). pp. 530-549. ISSN 0309-0590

Darcy, Colette, McCarthy, Alma and Grady, Geraldine (2008) Extending the Work-Life Balance Debate: An Investigation of Older Worker Perceptions. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, 3rd-5th September 2008, Dublin City University, Dublin Ireland. (Submitted)

Darcy, Colette, McCarthy, Alma and Grady, Geraldine (2009) Work Life Imbalance: An Explorative Analysis of the Differential Effects of Gender and Age. In: European Academy of Management Conference, 11th-14th May 2009, Liverpool, U.K.. (Submitted)

Darcy, Colette, McCarthy, Alma, Hill, Jimmy and Grady, Geraldine (2012) Work–life balance: One size fits all? An exploratory analysis of the differential effects of career stage. European Management Journal, 30 (2). pp. 111-120. ISSN 0263-2373

Darcy, Colette, McCarthy , Alma and Grady, Geraldine (2008) Work Life Imbalance: An Examination of the Differential Effects of Gender and Age. In: Institute of Work Psychology Conference, Sheffield, U.K.. (Submitted)

Delekovcan, Silvija (2013) Impacts of head chefs’ leadership styles on job satisfaction of kitchen staff in Dublin’s top gourmet restaurants. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Dhiman, Alisha (2015) An investigation of the influence of Job satisfaction determinants on the turnover intentions of new hires in Indian IT sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Dixon, Leah (2022) The different perceptions of flexible work arrangements between Millennials and Generation X at work. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Dooley, Ashley (2021) An Investigation into the Impact of Remote Working on Employee Well-Being within a Telecommunications Organisation in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Dowling, Sinéad (2015) The Effect of Health and Well-Being Initiatives on Employee Engagement: A Study of Employees in the Irish Private Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Doyle, Liz (2015) Are there significant differences in the motivation and job satisfaction levels of Higher Executive Officers and Administrative Officers in an Irish Civil Service Department? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Elhajj, Suzan (2022) Employees in Global Technology Companies during COVID-19 Pandemic: Factors Influenced their Sense of Belonging and Attrition. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Esan, Mayowa Teniola (2020) Impact of Modern Day Emotional Intelligence to the Workplace. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Flanagan, Catherine (2010) Work Life Balance in the Medical Device Manufacturing Sector: The Real Beneficiaries. Undergraduate thesis, National College of Ireland.

Flood, David (2022) A study of teleworker experiences of work-life well-being and the moderating role of personality. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Florea, Mariana (2016) Conducting performance appraisals in the Irish hotel sector: A study exploring employee performance appraisal satisfaction and its impact on the motivation to improve performance. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Flynn, Amy (2016) ‘People don’t leave jobs, they leave managers’: An examination into the influence of leadership styles on employee satisfaction and turnover in the Irish residential social care sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Flynn, Jessica (2017) How commuting affects employees’ Wellbeing and Work-Life Balance: The perspective of full-time employees commuting within the greater Dublin area. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Foran, Graeme (2015) Motivation: An investigation to establish the impact of motivational theories on employee performance and satisfaction and to determine key factors towards the motivation of employees. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Gallagher, Emma (2020) After Hours Availability and the Right to Disconnect: An exploratory study into the effect of after-hours availability and the significance of protective legislation for the right to disconnect. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Gallagher Finn, Tara (2022) Blurring the boundaries: An explorative study of Millennials, switching off, and the Right to Disconnect. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Gargan, Laura (2016) The Missing Link - Overcoming Occupational Stress and Encouraging Mental Well-being in the Retail Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Gernandizo, Jonnabelle (2022) Thematic analysis investigating the impact of remote working during Covid-19 pandemic on communication and face-to-face interaction. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Ghanbahadur, Rohit Rajendra (2014) To test the effectiveness of Hygiene-Motivation factors on Irish Accountants and American Engineers in predicting Intrinsic-Extrinsic job satisfaction. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Gil Gallegos, Omar Jayr (2022) A research on the impacts of perceived levels of diversity, inclusion and belonging in Dublin workplaces for Argentinians, Brazilians, and Chileans between 25 and 35 years of age residing in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Gill, Ross (2021) Organisational support for employees suffering with mental health issues: how Human Resource departments can work in conjunction with both employees and management to resolve this ongoing issue. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Goel, Akash (2020) Treating meditation as a non-spiritual exercise, does daily practice of meditation by employees of a team create a positive work atmosphere? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Gordon, Frances (2020) The Impact of Work-Based Mindfulness Programmes on Employee Health. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Grady, Geraldine, Kerrane, Melrona, Darcy, Colette and McCarthy, Alma (2008) Work Life Balance: Policies and Initiatives in Irish Organisations: A Best Practice Management Guide. Oak Tree Press, Cork. ISBN 9781904887249

Griffin, Niamh (2022) The impact of mandated work from home on employee work-life balance in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Gupta, Rohan (2020) Examining The Impact Of Employee’s Well-Being & Mental Health On Productivity In The IT Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Gómez, Jésus (2017) Relationship between Internal Customer Satisfaction and the External Customer Orientation in an IT Organisation. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Hadzikadunic, Dino (2020) Comparison of Job Satisfaction between Irish-born and Immigrant Employees in Non-Supervisory Positions in Dublin’s Pubs, Bars and Restaurants. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Halligan, Kelly (2021) An Investigation into the Relationship Between Organisational Adaptability and Employee Commitment in Different Organisational Departments in an Irish Manufacturing Organisation. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hameed, Zahid, Garavan, Thomas, N., Naeem, Rana Muhammad, Burhan, Muhammad, Moin, Muhammad Farrukh and McCabe, Thomas, J. (2023) Subjective well-being, COVID-19 and financial strain following job loss: stretching the role of human resource management to focus on human sustainability beyond the workplace. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 62. ISSN 1744-7941

Hannon, Vivienne (2018) Perceived Organisational Support, Workplace Stressors and Employee-Being. An Investigation into the Retail Sector in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hartigan, Desmond (2015) Job Satisfaction within the Hospitality Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hatchell, John (2010) THE DADDY OF ALL DILEMMAS: RESEARCH INTO THE WORK-LIFE BALANCE DEFICIT PARADIGM AMONGST FATHERS. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hembah, Deborah Doofan (2021) An Analysis of Self-esteem and Work Commitment Levels of Employees in Nigerian Non-profit Organizations. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hendrick, Thomas (2023) The effects of remote working on employees in the pensions industry. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Henry, Ailís (2020) An investigation into Millennials’ perception and experiences of work-life balance in the Irish Public Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Higgins, Katie (2021) An investigation into Internal employer branding initiatives on employee satisfaction and consumer experience within the luxury retail environment. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hinmikaiye, Esther Funmilayo (2021) An Exploratory Study on the Perception of Job Satisfaction and Its Impacts on Healthcare Workers in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hoctor , Andrew (2012) Nepotism & HRM practices - How they affect player satisfaction: A Study of G.A.A Clubs. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Hong, Yang (2019) The research on gender-based payment equality influence on job satisfaction from working women perspective in China. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Humphreys, Laura (2017) Mid-Career Change - The Irish Experience. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hyland, Rachel (2004) Work-Life Balance - An Exploration. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Jara Arriagada, Maria Jose (2022) The Correlation Between Work from Home and Work-Life Balance During COVID-19. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Johnson, Omolara (2012) The effect of work-life balance at Health Care Alliance (HCA), Ireland during turbulent times. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Johnston, Jamie (2019) A Qualitative Analysis and Study of Job Satisfaction and Wellbeing of Employees Working within the Irish Public Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Joseph, Yohann (2015) A Study done in order to Explore the Relationship between Employee Commitment, Organisational Flexibility and Work-Life Balance in a Call Centre. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Kandiah, Vishvatha (2019) The Impact of Work-Life Balance on Organizational Commitment of Nurses in Hospitals in Dublin, Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Karanja, Winifred (2020) Stress levels, coping strategies and job satisfaction among health care assistants in Ireland. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kavanagh, Nicola (2019) The Role of Boundary Preference in Irish Media Professional’s Attitudes Toward being ‘Always on’, Leaveism, and the Role of HR Policy a Qualitative Study. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kellman, Signe Kristina (2015) An investigation into work-life balance and burnout in a software company in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kelly, Sorcha (2006) The effect of absenteeism and its relationship with employee motivation and culture in the workplace. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kennedy, Peter (2016) An Investigation into the Work-Life Balance that Exists for Workers in the Irish Hospitality Industry. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kenny, Emma (2022) An exploration into the levels of Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention for Nurses currently working in Ireland and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kiely, Gordon (2021) An Investigation into Generational Differences in the Irish Labour Market. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kizenga, Cecile (2022) What is the Impact of Remote Working on Employee Well-Being within a Telecommunications Organisation in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kluczyk, Malgorzata (2013) The impact of work-life balance on the wellbeing of employees in the private sector in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Korkosz, Magdalena (2011) Exploring a relationship between organisational communication and job satisfaction. A study of internal communication within Irish-owned pharmaceutical contract packaging company. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Krzyznaowska, Katarzyna (2016) Workplace bullying: Aggressive behaviour and the impact on job satisfaction and productivity of employees in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kumari, Sangeeta (2023) Leveraging Machine Learning to Predict Employee Attrition: India. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kučerová, Martina (2021) Job satisfaction of forced remote workers during the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to their working environment. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kwan, Jennifer (2014) Staff Turnover in Dublin’s Food Sector: Job Satisfaction and Culture. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Langan, Niamh (2022) The Impact of Shift Work on Sleep Quality and Self-Rated Attentional Control in Night Shift Workers Compared to Day Shift Workers in a Factory Setting. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Li, Chengnan (2023) The underlying factors that affect an employee's intention to leave an organization in the hospitality industry: a case study of Y Hotel in China. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Liang, Zhoulan (2013) Knowledge and Influencing Factors of Employee Retention. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Lund, Vaughan Andrew Bjørn (2022) COVID-19’s Changes to the Irish Job Market: Employees’ Perspectives from Food, Retail and Construction Sectors. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Lutter, Friederike (2022) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic upon the non-Irish junior doctor workforce: An investigation into the situation in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Lyons, Tara (2021) An exploration of the experiences of pregnancy during employment in female dominated industries and the investigation of the effects of pregnancy on employment in the cosmetics/aesthetics industry. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


MacNamara, Fiachra (2019) Work Life Balance: The impact of individual perception. A study within the Department of Health. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Maguire, Sarah-Jane (2019) A Qualitative Investigation into Remote working in the Recruitment Industry and the Influence it has on Employee Well-Being. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Mamphaga, Innocent (2017) To investigate whether employee compensation, job flexibility and working conditions predict job satisfaction in the retail industry. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Martin, Lauren (2021) How Remote Working Impacts the Performance, Motivation, and Well-Being of the Irish Recruitment Industry. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Martin, Sheila K. (2002) Work Life Balance strategies in the contemporary workforce. Irish Independent.

Martins, Natalia de Souza (2022) The effect of job satisfaction and age on the Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation of employees in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Mbyehuzya, Melgrace (2021) An Exploration of Factors Influencing Staff turnover in Irish Nursing Homes (Nurses and Healthcare Assistants’ Point of View). Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

McBennett, Jennifer (2017) The Impact of Life Course on Motivation and Work Satisfaction in an Irish Context. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

McCarthy, Alma, Cleveland, A., Hunter, S., Darcy, Colette, Grady, Geraldine and Kirrane, Melrona (2008) Cascading Effects of HR and Line Manager Attitudes on Employee Work Life Balance. In: Academy of Management Work Life Balance Symposium, 15th-19th August, Anaheim CA.. (Submitted)

McCarthy, Alma, Cleveland, Jeanette, N., Hunter, Sam, Darcy, Colette and Grady, Geraldine (2013) Employee work–life balance outcomes in Ireland: a multilevel investigation of supervisory support and perceived organizational support. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24 (6). pp. 1257-1276. ISSN 1466-4399

McCarthy, Alma, Darcy, Colette and Grady, Geraldine (2007) Work Life Balance Policy and Practice in Organisations; Evidence from Ireland. In: European Academy of Management Conference, 16th-19th May 2007, Paris, France. (Submitted)

McCarthy, Alma, Darcy, Colette and Grady, Geraldine (2007) Work Life Balance Policy and Practice in Organisations; Modelling the Role of the Line Manager. In: 9th International Human Resource Management Conference, 12th-15th June 2007, Tallinn, Estonia. (Submitted)

McCarthy, Alma, Darcy, Colette and Grady, Geraldine (2010) Work-life balance policy and practice: Understanding line manager attitudes and behaviors. Human Resource Management Review, 20 (2). pp. 158-167. ISSN 1053-4822

McDonnell, Edmond D. (2013) Work-Life Balance : To explore the factors contributing to the adoption of Worklife balance initiatives and the perceived benefits to older workers in an Irish manufacturing organisation. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

McFadden, Tom (2013) An exploratory analysis of occupational stress amongst Chefs in Ireland : The adverse consequences for their personal life. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

McGoldrick, Susan (2005) Does a Culture of Work Life Balance Exist in the Health Service Executive to Support the Recruitment and Retention of Nurses in Ireland? Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Meehan, Fiona (2019) Employee Volunteering: Does Giving Your Time Give You Better Wellbeing. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Mitchell, Dorothy (2006) Work life balance for women in age group 25 - 40, is it achievable? Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Moldovan, Melania Ioana (2018) What are the motivational factors of foreign line level employees in the hospitality industry in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Mooney, Paul (2008) Desperate Executives : A Story of Coaching, Change and Personal Growth. National College of Ireland Changing the World of Work . The Liffey Press, Dublin. ISBN 9781905785391

Moore, Michelle and Krpeta, M. (2022) How to build capacity from within your team for programme sustainability – an Irish perspective. In: ParentChild+ Annual Conference. ParentChild+. (Unpublished)

Moran, Shane (2016) What Impact has Work-life Balance on Employees Job Satisfaction in the Retail Sector in Ireland? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Moylan, Catherine (2008) Does Information Communications Technology (ICT) enable achieving a better Work Life Balance? Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Moynihan, Cathal (2021) A Study On The Impact Of Transformational Leadership On Employee Retention. Does This Leadership Style Increase Job Satisfaction And Reduce Turnover Intention In The Irish Retail Sector? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Muldoon, Niamh (2014) An Investigation into employee’s perceptions of working from home and how this impacts work-life balance. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Mullally, John (2022) Are there generational differences in Employee Engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing blended working environment in the Irish Civil Service as assessed through communication and job satisfaction? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Murphy, Edel (2017) A quantitative study of employee mindfulness - An investigation of the perceived benefits to employees. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Murray, Erin (2022) Employee Perceptions of Facades of Conformity Adoption Among Supervisors: The Relationship Between Perceptions, Employee Engagement, and Demographic Variables. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Nair, Raviraj Radhakrishnan (2020) An Investigation into the Effects of Work Stress on Job Satisfaction amongst Employees Working in Marketing Field of Mumbai, India. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Narke, Sneha (2022) An Investigation On Work From Home And Its Impact On Productivity In A Shipping Organisation. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Naughton, Declan (2005) A Study of Absenteeism within Company X, its causes and the Management of it. Undergraduate thesis, National College of Ireland.

Nerney, Eilish (2020) Does Emotional Intelligence influence Work Related Stress among Irish Civil Servants. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Njogwuani, Ifeoma Sophia (2022) The Reasons for migration in the Nigerian health sector: A case study of Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) and Federal Medical Centre Asaba (FMC). Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Noctor, Ciara (2015) Mobile Technology: The Effects of Technology on Work-Life Balance. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


O Hagan, Jade (2023) Do employers have a responsibility for supporting their employee’s mental health? Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

O Mairtin, Leo (2022) Special Needs Assistants Beyond Role Definition: Relationship Between Perceived Organisational Support and Perceived Stress, Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

O'Brien, Emma (2010) Does an Organisational culture affect the occurrence of bullying? Undergraduate thesis, National College of Ireland.

O'Carroll, Amy (2015) Work Life Balance: What are the main challenges for women in the corporate sector? Is it related to their family life? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

O'Carroll, Nicole (2018) A qualitative investigation of the factors that have an influence on the performance of members of An Garda Síochána. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

O'Dea, Labhaoise (2019) Women who choose Work-life balance contribute to the Glass Ceiling. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

O'Neill, Sean (2014) Work Life Balance in the Automotive Industry in Ireland : What are the drivers that impact on the employee and employer achieving a good work life balance/ work family balance? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

O'Reilly, Meghann (2019) What are the factors affecting satisfaction and retention of care assistants in the continuously growing Irish home care industry? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

O'Reilly, Seán (2020) Who is More Stressed? An investigation into the effect that stress has on blue-collar workers versus white-collarworkers. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

OByrne, Joanna (2021) A quantitative study into the impact of leadership on employee motivation in an Irish civil service department. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Ogunpaimo, Olaiwola Jamiu (2022) The Exploration of Perceptions and Experiences of Migrant Workers in the Bar and Restaurant Industry of Galway city in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Oke, Meera and Bleach, Josephine (2024) Teacher’s Burn-out and Poor Work-Life Conditions in ECE: The Role of (Participatory) Action Research in Addressing These Challenges to Bring about Positive Changes. In: 2024 ARNA Conference. ARNA (Action Research Network of the Americas).

Oke, Meera, Lambert, Jonathan, Filipovic, Katarina and Hayes, Noirin (2018) Burnout and Areas of Work life among Irish Early Childhood Educators - Emerging findings from an Exploratory Study. In: The Profession of Play and Inquiry - A Conference for Early Years Professionals, 14th November 2018, National College of Ireland, Dublin. (Submitted)

Olagbaye, Abdul-Ahmed Olajide (2020) Impact of Financial Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Ireland's Retail Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Ormond, Anthony (2022) Investigating the Relationship Between Satisfaction with Life and Self-Awareness of Big 5 Personality Traits. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Owodiong-Idemeko, Louisa Abasifreke (2020) The Effect of Gender Diversity and Ethnic Diversity on Job Satisfaction in a sample of 57 Nigerian Secondary School Teachers. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

O’Mahony, Adam (2021) Working Remotely in the UK Automotive Industry during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Managerial Perspective. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Panneerselvam, Deepa (2020) Work-Life Balance of Indian Women Employees in IT and Banking Sectors: Chennai City Case Study. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Perry, Holly (2018) An investigation into the effects of permanent and non permanent contracts on employee well being and employment insecurity. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Philpott, Paula (2018) Teacher perceptions of the impact of peer mentoring on professional practice within a further education context. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Quigley, Faye (2020) Comparing Levels of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction Between Contrasting Job-types. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Rai, Sitara (2022) A Correlational Study between job burnout & job satisfaction. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Rajaraman, Ashwinram (2021) Work-life Balance and Employee Commitment: Case Study of Indian IT Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Ramon, Maria (2021) Investigating the employee perspective: predictors of job stress and satisfaction among nurses and healthcare assistants during COVID-19. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Reid, Billy (2019) An exploratory study examining the impact of job crafting and the factors which influence crafting leading to the benefits or/and drawbacks to the individual and organisation. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Rosa Santana, Gustavo (2023) Employee Perspectives and Preferences on Hybrid Working Models in Ireland: Understanding the Role of Physical Workplaces and Workplace Policies. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Rudden, Barry (2015) To what extent does the role of ‘volition’ influence the attitude and satisfaction levels of contingent workers? An Irish perspective. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Rudden, Deirdre (2017) Why staff stay: an investigation into the relationship between staff retention and staff satisfaction in a specialist public sector hospital. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Ryan, David A. (2017) A Service Profit Chain for Public Services: An Investigation in an Irish Local Authority Context. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Said, Samir (2021) To explore the potential differences between the generational cohorts regarding employee engagement in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Scott Campbell, Jake (2020) An investigation of the relationship between leadership styles and employee job satisfaction in the Irish thoroughbred breeding and racing industry. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Serviss, Michelle (2020) An Exploratory Study into variations in Work-Life Balance between different Generations for Employees in the Irish Financial Services Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Shardhana, Dhanraj (2023) The impact of a hostile working environment on work-life balance. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Sheridan, Aoife (2022) An investigation into the factors that influence employee wellbeing and their impact on organisational productivity in Company X. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Smith, Kristin (2020) Transitioning to the present workplace: When technology, Emotional Intelligence, satisfaction and motivation collide. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Smith, Sally, Garavan, Thomas, N., Munro, Anne, Ramsey, Elaine, Smith, Colin F. and Varey, Alison (2020) An exploration of the professional and leader identity of IT professionals transitioning to a permanent hybrid role: a longitudinal investigation. Information Technology & People. ISSN 0959-3845 (In Press)

Smyth, Tony (2007) Ameliorating the problems of shiftwork. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Snowden, Richard (2023) Interpersonal Trust and Job Satisfaction in a Remote Working Environment: A quantitative study on the role employee relations plays in the Information Technology sector in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Sobieraj, Pamela (2022) The Impact of Working on Students in Full-Time Education in Ireland. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Sorensen, Maria Peate (2014) Work-Life Balance Policies: Organisational and Human Resource Responses. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Spreckelmeyer, Lena (2018) A qualitative investigation into the relationship between work–life balance and organisational commitment: Evidence from American software companies in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Stefanova, Vasilena, Farrell, Lynn and Latu, Ioana (2021) Gender and the pandemic: Associations between caregiving, working from home, personal and career outcomes for women and men. Current Psychology. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1936-4733 (In Press)

Stochlova, Katerina (2018) The war for talent in Financial Services in Ireland: An exploratory study into talent attraction of Millennials. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Sundquist, Adrienne (2020) Wellbeing in the Workplace: Exploring the Individual Effects of Wellbeing as a HR Strategy. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Suresh, Sujay (2022) How can a company enhance employee satisfaction and time effectiveness by enabling AI in their ticketing system? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Sweeney, Emily (2018) The effect work-life balance has on Employee Engagement in the Retail sector in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Synnott, Lee (2015) The perceptions of social structures as a predictor to levels of job satisfaction, job burnout and general mental health in a traumatic working environment: A look at Dublin City Fire Fighters. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Temaj, Jovana (2020) A Study Investigating the Effect of Job Satisfaction on the Millennial Generation in Irish Call Centres. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Thacker, Soham (2020) The Cognizance of Cycle to Work Scheme: Analysis of The Irish Experience. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Tim Alamu, Iseoluwa Gloria (2023) Investigating, Coping with Stress, Coping Mechanisms and Job satisfaction within the Irish Workplace. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Tomkins, Conor (2021) New Working Practices: Examining the future of remote working. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Touzel, Anna (2013) Women in Technology : An investigation into how the demands of a mid-level technical woman’s home life, as well as how their male dominated working team environment can affect their retention rates in American IT organizations. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Tracey, Amy Mary (2021) What Workplace Influences Predict the Levels of Stress, Anxiety and/or Depression Amongst Casual and Managerial Workers in the Retail Sector? A Quantitative Investigation into the workplace-related influences that contribute to poor mental health outcomes amongst managerial and Non-Managerial Workers in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Tracey, Karen (2021) Public Sector Employee Satisfaction during Covid 19: Working from home and the role of expectations. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Truong, Nhung Thi Tuyet (2023) The Investigation of the Factors that Affect Job Satisfaction in the Vietnam IT Industry. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Tyrell, Pamela (2008) An Investigation into the Practicalities of a flexible working policy in the Intellectual Disability Sector: A Case Study. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.


Villegas Revilla, Maria Belen (2022) Job Satisfaction, Personality and Indicators of Anxiety and Depression in Remote Workers. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Waclawska, Iwona (2018) Work Life Balance Practices and their impact on Employee Engagement & Turnover intention: A study of employees in the further education and training sector in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Wisely, Sinead (2017) Flexible Working as an effective tool of Organisational Commitment, Motivation & Productivity. The Quest for Employee Engagement & Work Life Balance using Flexible Work Arrangements. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Wnek, Kamila (2019) The relationship between age, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how it affects job satisfaction amongst salespeople. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Wuraola, Moyinoluwa Martha (2021) An investigation into the factors influencing job satisfaction and employee turnover among healthcare assistants in the Irish home care sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Yusuf, Hauwa Patience (2021) Remote work and employee performance: examining problem-solving ability, quality of work, time management, and productivity in the fintech industry in Nigeria during Covid-19. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Zheng, Haolan (2017) An analysis of the relationship between effective on the job training and job satisfaction: a study of a language training school in China. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Zhou, Yuting (2019) Family and career win win in IT industry of China: Enlightenment from the exploration experience of work life balance in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

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