NORMA eResearch @NCI Library

Items where Year is 2007

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Number of items: 79.

Armendariz, Fabian (2007) Organising and ICT : a processual exploration of technology driven organisational change. In: 23rd EGOS Colloquium, 5-7 July 2007, Wien. (Submitted)

Bane, Deirdre (2007) Knowledge-Based Enterprise in Ireland: Observations on Potential Growth Impediments. In: Shannon Consortium Postgraduate Conference 2007, 2007. (Submitted)

Barone, Gaia (2007) I have a DRM. In: Research Paper, May 2007. (Submitted)

Barone, Gaia (2007) Separare la Rete? In: Research paper, May 2007. (Submitted)

Beere, Rosalind, Darcy, Colette and Hughes, Caitriona (2007) Strategic HRM – An Overlooked Source of Potential Competitive Advantage in the Aggressive Franchise Sector. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, 3rd-5th September 2007 , Queen's University, Belfast Ireland. (Submitted)

Beesley, Steven T. C., Grecos, Christos and Edirisinghe, Eran (2007) A neighbourhood analysis based technique for real-time error concealment in H.264 intra pictures. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6507. p. 650706. ISSN 0277-786X

Bordbar, Behzad, Howells, Gareth, Evans, Michael and Staikopoulos, Athanasios (2007) Model Transformation from OWL-S to BPEL Via SiTra. In: Model Driven Architecture- Foundations and Applications. ECMDA-FA 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4530). Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 43-58. ISBN 9783540729013

Boyce, Sonya (2007) Exploration of a Redundancy Situation on the Workforce and the Impact it has on the Employees that are left behind. Undergraduate thesis, National College of Ireland.

Brennan, Michael, McGovern, Philip and McGowan, Pauric (2007) Academic Entrepreneurship on the Island of Ireland: Re-Orientating Academia Within the Knowledge Economy. Irish Journal of Management, 28 (2). pp. 51-77. ISSN 1649-248X

Brett, Valerie (2007) The Potential for Clustering of the Maritime Transport Sector in the Greater Dublin Region. Doctoral thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Bruce, Bertram C. (2007) Communities of designers : Transforming a situation into a unified whole. In: Faculty development by design : Integrating technology in Higher Education. Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 205-218. ISBN 9781593115821

Bruce, Bertram C. (2007) Interlude : Technology and Arts Education. In: International Handbook of Research in Arts Education. Springer, Netherlands, pp. 1355-1359. ISBN 9781402030529

Caton, Simon, Rana, Omer F. and Batchelor, Bruce G. (2007) Dynamic Condor-based Services for Distributed Image Analysis. In: Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid'07). IEEE, pp. 49-56. ISBN 0769528333

Cocea, Mihaela (2007) Assessment of Motivation in Online Learning Environments. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Cocea, Mihaela and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2007) Cross-System Validation of Engagement Prediction from Log Files. In: Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4753). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 14-25. ISBN 9783540751953

Colville, Martina (2007) The Feasibility of Devolving HR Functions to Line Managers in the Department of Justice, Equality & Law Reform. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Daly, Brian (2007) An exploration of the effect of devolution on Human Resource Management. Undergraduate thesis, National College of Ireland.

Darcy, Colette and Garavan, Thomas, N. (2007) The Antecedents of Employee Claiming Behaviour in Relation to the Termination of Employment. In: 9th International Human Resource Management Conference, 12th-15th June 2007, Tallinn, Estonia. (Submitted)

Darcy, Colette and Garavan, Thomas, N. (2007) You’re Fired! The Antecedents of Employee Claiming Behaviour in Relation to the Termination of Employment. In: European Academy of Management Conference, 16th-19th May 2007, Paris, France. (Submitted)

Darcy, Colette and McCarthy, Alma (2007) Work-family conflict: An exploration of the differential effects of a dependent child's age on working parents. Journal of European Industrial Training, 31 (7). pp. 530-549. ISSN 0309-0590

Darcy, Colette and McPartlin, Brendan (2007) Understanding fairness judgements in respect of termination of employment; An exploration of traditional philosophical theories of fairness. In: 8th Annual European Congress of The International Industrial Relations Association, 3rd-6th September 2007, Manchester, U.K.. (Submitted)

Duggan, Finbar (2007) Quality Assurance: Conformance or the Pursuit of Excellence An Evaluation of the Implementation and Effectiveness of Quality Assurance in the Adult Literacy Service of the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Egan, Arlene, McHugh, D and Evans, A (2007) Attention in the stands! Do students need to attend lectures to perform well in exams? In: Inaugural International Colloquium on University Teaching and Learning, 12 June 2007. (Submitted)

Egan, Arlene and Moran, Aidan (2007) Development and Evaluation of a Programme to Enhance the Critical Thinking Skills of Undergraduate Psychology Students. In: 13th International Thinking Conference, 17-22 June 2007, Norrköping; Sweden. (Submitted)

Egan, Gerard (2007) Second Generation Workplace Partnership In The Public Sector - A Case Study. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

González-Vélez, Horacio and Cole, Murray (2007) Adaptive structured parallelism for computational grids. In: Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming. ACM, New York, pp. 140-141. ISBN 9781595936028

González-Vélez, Virginia and González-Vélez, Horacio (2007) Parallel stochastic simulation of macrosopic calcium currents. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (jbcb), 5 (3). pp. 755-772. ISSN 1757-6334

Grecos, Christos, Beesley, Steven T. C. and Armstrong, Andrew J. (2007) Jointly Reducing The Quality/Bitrate Fluctuations in Mixed Motion Sequences in the H.264 Video Coding Standard. In: 2007 Digest of Technical Papers International Conference on Consumer Electronics. IEEE, p. 4146050. ISBN 1424407621

Grecos, Christos and Yang, Ming Yuan (2007) Error assisted fast mode decision in the H264 video coding standard. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 17 (2). pp. 99-102. ISSN 1098-1098

Grecos, Christos and Yang, Ming Yuan (2007) Exploiting temporal information and adaptive thresholding for fast mode decision in the H264 video coding standard. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 18 (4). pp. 309-316. ISSN 1573-0824

Grecos, Christos and Yang, Mingyuan (2007) A framework for fast mode decision in the H264 video coding standard. Digital Signal Processing, 17 (3). pp. 652-644. ISSN 1051-2004

Gross, Nicole (2007) Beyond Marketing Rhetoric: A Participant Ethnography of Contemporary Marketing Practice in Ireland (Doctorate Colloquium Paper). In: 40th Academy of Marketing Conference. Academy of Marketing, London, United Kingdom.

Hanly, Paul (2007) Meetings Industry data collection in Ireland: A Statistical black hole? In: 3rd Annual Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Research in Ireland, 12-13 June 2007, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk. (Submitted)

Hanly, Paul (2007) Methodological advances in Irish business tourism data collection: an analysis of preliminary results. In: KBS Research Conference, May 2007, University of Limerick. (Submitted)

Hanly, Paul and Wade, Garret (2007) An Analysis of North American Tourist consumption patterns utilising the diary methodological framework: The case of Ireland. In: 3rd Annual Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Research in Ireland, 12-13 June 2007, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk. (Submitted)

Hanly, Paul and Wade, Garret (2007) Modelling tourism demand – an econometric analysis of North American tourist expenditure in Ireland, 1985–2004. Tourism Economics, 13 (2). pp. 319-327. ISSN 2044-0375

Hastings, Tim, Sheehan, Brian and Yeates, Padraig (2007) Saving the future : how social partnership shaped Ireland's economic success. Blackhall Publishing, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. ISBN 9781842181355

Hickey, Samantha (2007) Power Distance in Cross Cultural Workplaces. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hurley, Teresa and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2007) Eliciting Adaptation Knowledge from On-Line Tutors to Increase Motivation. In: User Modeling 2007 : Proceedings of 11th International Conference, UM2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4511). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 370-374. ISBN 9783540730781

Hurley, Teresa and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2007) “MotSaRT”- Motivation Strategies : A Recommender Tool for On-line Learning Facilitators. In: Eighth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference, 24-25 May 2007, Dublin.

Hurley, Teresa and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2007) Using MotSaRT to Support On-Line Teachers in Student Motivation. In: Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4753). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 101-111. ISBN 9783540751953

Janetzko, Dietmar (2007) Dialogue-Based Authoring of Units of Learning. In: Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'06). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 436-440. ISBN 0769526322

Kelleher, Denis and Murray, Karen (2007) Information technology law in Ireland (2nd edition). Tottel, Haywards Heath. ISBN 9781845921118

Kelly, Anne (2007) Public Sector Modernisation Strategy: Is The Staffing Strategy Aligned With It? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kulkarni, S. and Oke, Meera (2007) An assessment of the Quality of life of the Intellectually Disabled - India. In: Successful Projects - What Makes Them Work? A Cross-National Analysis. Inclusion International, London, pp. 16-20.

Lahart, Orla (2007) Towards Personalised Support for Home Tutors: Identification of Tutoring Rules. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2007. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, pp. 2864-2870. ISBN 9781880094624

Lahart, Orla, Kelly, Declan and Tangney, Brendan (2007) Ask the Tutor - Supporting the Home Tutoring Process. In: 2nd International Conference on Learning in Childhood Education, CIANEI 07, 15-17 November 2007, Fórum da Maia, Maia, Portugal.

Lahart, Orla, Kelly, Declan and Tangney, Brendan (2007) P.A.C.T. – Coaching the Parent in Home Tutoring Best Practice. In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2007. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, pp. 7205-7212. ISBN 9781880094631

Lahart, Orla, Kelly, Declan and Tangney, Brendan (2007) Tutoring Strategies to facilitate positive emotional states during home tutoring. In: Workshop on Modeling and Scaffolding Affective Experiences to Impact Learning : Supplementary Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 07). School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex, pp. 85-93.

Lally, John (2007) WebQuests: A scaffolded learning structure to develop higher order thinking. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Lambert, Jonathan (2007) An Analytical Model of the Java Virtual Machine. In: Postgraduate Seminar Series, 28th November 2007, Department of Computer Science, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. (Submitted)

Laurillard, Diana and Hayes, Paul (2007) Kaleidoscope Vision document : Shaping the Scientific Evolution of Technology Enhanced Learning. Kaleidoscope Network.

MacPartlin, Brendan and Darcy, Colette (2007) Theories of Procedural Justice and criteria for Fairness Judgements. IIRA HRM Study Group Working Papers in Human Resource Management. ISSN 1810-6897

Maguire, Phil, Maguire, Rebecca and Cater, Arthur W. S. (2007) In search of the frog’s tail : investigating the time course of conceptual knowledge activation. In: Proceedings of the Second European Cognitive Science Conference. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hove, East Sussex, pp. 728-733.

Maguire, Rebecca, Maguire, Phil and Keane, Mark (2007) Understanding surprise : Can less likely events be less surprising? In: Proceedings of the Second European Cognitive Science Conference. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hove, East Sussex, pp. 335-340.

Maycock, Keith (2007) Prototype of an on-demand learning component integrated into Moodle. In: Moodle Moote '07, October 2007, Milton Keynes.

Maycock, Keith and Keating, John (2007) Prototype of a learning component to maximise learning experiences. In: CAL'07: Development, Distribute & Debate, 26th - 28th March 2007.

Maycock, Keith and Keating, John (2007) A Selection Model for Maximizing the Potential Learning. International Journal of Learning, 13 (5). pp. 75-84.

McCabe, Thomas, J. (2007) A Study of Commitment Amongst Professional Nursing Staff. In: 10th Annual Conference of The Irish Academy of Mangement, 3-5 September 2007, Queens University Belfast. (Submitted)

McCabe, Thomas, J. (2007) A Study of Trust Amongst Professional Nursing Staff and Management in NHS Organisations: Implications of Trust For Human Resource Development. In: Eighth International Conference in HRD Research and Practice , 27-29 June 2007, Oxford. (Submitted)

McCabe, Thomas, J. (2007) The future of Health Service Reform in Ireland: Building Trust and Commitment amongst Professional Groups in the Irish Health Service. LRC Review: The Journal of the Labour Relations Commission (8). pp. 7-11.

McCarthy, Alma, Darcy, Colette and Grady, Geraldine (2007) Work Life Balance Policy and Practice in Organisations; Evidence from Ireland. In: European Academy of Management Conference, 16th-19th May 2007, Paris, France. (Submitted)

McCarthy, Alma, Darcy, Colette and Grady, Geraldine (2007) Work Life Balance Policy and Practice in Organisations; Modelling the Role of the Line Manager. In: 9th International Human Resource Management Conference, 12th-15th June 2007, Tallinn, Estonia. (Submitted)

McNally, Sinéad and Quigley, Jean (2007) ABA and autism intervention: unnecessary constraints. In: Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) Conference, 2007, Killarney. (Unpublished)

Moebs, Sabine, Piombo, Christophe, Batatia, Hadj and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2007) A Tool Set Combining Learning Styles Prediction, a Blended Learning Methodology and Facilitator Guidebooks – Towards a Best Mix in Blended Learning. In: Interactive Computer Aided Learning, 26-28 September 2007, Villach, Austria. (Submitted)

Moebs, Sabine, Weibelzahl, Stephan and Dowling, Nora-Anne (2007) Supporting Facilitators of Blended Learning with Guidebooks. In: Eighth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference, 24-25 May 2007, Dublin.

Morgan, Louise (2007) Employee Atttitude and Engagement Levels in the Southern & Western Business Unit of Iarnrod Eireann. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Muntean, Cristina Hava and Lally, John (2007) Using Scaffolded Learning for Developing Higher Order Thinking Skills. In: 7th Information Technology and Telecommunications Conference, 25-26 October 2007, Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Dublin.

Muntean, Cristina Hava, Muntean, Gabriel-Miro, McManis, Jennifer and Cristea, Alexandra I. (2007) Quality of Experience - LAOS : create once, use many, use anywhere. International Journal of Learning Technology (IJLT), 3 (3). pp. 209-229. ISSN 1741-8119

O'Callaghan, Denise (2007) Employee engagement: a study of employee engagement in organisations and its impact. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

O'Donovan, Elizabeth (2007) Exploration of strategies to recruit skills to a small Software Development company. Undergraduate thesis, National College of Ireland.

O'Loughlin, Eugene and Osterlind, Steven J. (2007) Blended Assessment in Small to Medium-sized Classes. Learning Solutions Magazine.

O'Loughlin, Eugene and Osterlind, Steven J. (2007) A Study of Blended Assessment Techniques in On-line Testing. In: AISHE Conference 2007 : Teaching and Learning in the Changing World of Higher Education, 30-31 August 2007, NUI Maynooth.

Serrano, Jesus Canovas, Grecos, Christos and Yang, Mingyuan (2007) Using MPEG-7 for shot based reduction of quality and rate fluctuations in H264 AVC. In: VIIP '07: The Seventh IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing. ACTA Press, Anaheim, CA, USA, pp. 6-10. ISBN 9780889866928

Smyth, Tony (2007) Ameliorating the problems of shiftwork. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Ure, Jenny, Procter, Rob, Martone, Maryann, Porteous, David, Lloyd, Sharon, Lawrie, Stephen, Job, Dominic, Baldock, Richard, Philp, Alistair, Liewald, Dave, Rakebrandt, Frank, Blaikie, Alan, McKay, Claire, Anderson, Stuart, Ainsworth, John, van Hemert, Jano, Blanquer, Ignacio, Sinnott, Richard, Barillot, Christian, Gibaud, Frank Bernard, Williams, Alan, Hartswood, Mark, Watson, Paul, Smith, Leslie, Burger, Albert, Kennedy, Jessie, González-Vélez, Horacio, Stevens, Robert, Corcho, Oscar, Morton, Robin, Linksted, Pamela, Deschenes, Mylene, McGilchrist, Mark, Johnson, Paul, Voss, Alex, Gertz, Renate and Wardlaw, Joanna (2007) Data Integration in eHealth: A Domain/Disease Specific Roadmap. In: From Genes to Personalized HealthCare: Grid Solutions for the Life Sciences. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (126). IOS Press, pp. 144-153. ISBN 9781607502425

Vaughan, Breda (2007) Strategic Management Initiative: The Impact in the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Whitston, Colin (2007) The Trouble with Social Partnership. In: Royal College of Nursing, 2007.

Xiao, Liang, Peet, Andrew, Lewis, Paul, Dashmaptra, Srinandan, Sáez, Carlos, Croitoru, Madalina, Vicente, Javier, González-Vélez, Horacio and Lluch i. Ariet, Magi (2007) An Adaptive Security Model for Multi-agent Systems and Application to a Clinical Trials Environment. In: 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2007. COMPSAC 2007,. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 261-268. ISBN 0769528708

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