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Items where Year is 2011

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Abdallah-Saleh, Saleh, Wang, Qi and Grecos, Christos (2011) Evaluation of mobile video streaming in heterogeneous wireless networks. In: 2011 19th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) Proceedings of Papers. IEEE, pp. 262-265. ISBN 9781457714986

Abdelazim, Abdelrahman, Mein, Stephen James, Varley, Martin Roy, Grecos, Christos and Ait-Boudaoud, Djamel (2011) Fast multilayered prediction algorithm for group of pictures in H.264/SVC. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7871. 78710P. ISSN 0277-786X

Abdelazim, Abdelrahman, Mein, Stephen James, Varley, Martin Roy, Grecos, Christos and Ait-Boudaoud, Djamel (2011) Phase correlation based adaptive mode decision for the H.264/AVC. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7871. 78710O. ISSN 0277-786X

Al Hadhrami, Tawfik, Wang, Qi, Crowe, Malcolm and Grecos, Christos (2011) UrgentMesh: Wireless mesh networks with DVB-Satellite for emergency management. In: 2011 3rd International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT). IEEE, p. 6078963. ISBN 9789638111777

Al-Abri, Fatma, Edirisinghe, Eran A. and Grecos, Christos (2011) Parameter Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Video CODECs. In: Applied Signal and Image Processing: Multidisciplinary Advancements. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 288-308. ISBN 9781609604783

Allen, Andrew P. and Thomas, Kevin E. (2011) A Dual Process Account of Creative Thinking. Creativity Research Journal, 23 (2). pp. 109-118. ISSN 1532-6934

Armendariz, Fabian (2011) Technology driven organisational change and the emergence of institutions. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, 31 August - 2 September 2011, National College of Ireland, Dublin. (Submitted)


Bane, Deirdre (2011) Íompar Logistics. In: Irish Case Studies in Entrepreneurship. Oak Tree Press, Cork, pp. 81-93. ISBN 9781904887492

Bane, Deirdre and McGovern, Philip (2011) Government Intervention: Top Down or Bottom Up? In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, 31 August - 2 September 2011, National College of Ireland, Dublin. (Submitted)

Barone, Gaia (2011) Equity Options and Bond Options in the Leland Model. In: Research Paper, March 2011. (Submitted)

Barone, Gaia (2011) Equity Options, Credit Default Swaps and Leverage: A Simple Stochastic-Volatility Model for Equity and Credit Derivatives. In: Research Paper, May 2011. (Submitted)

Barone, Gaia (2011) Equity options, credit default swaps e leverage: un semplice modello a volatilità stocastica per i derivati azionari e creditizi. In: Working Paper no. 5: CASMEF Working Paper Series, June 2011, Arcelli Centre for Monetary and Financial Studies, Department of Economics and Business, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy.

Barone, Gaia (2011) Opzioni Europee Composte scritte su Opzioni Americane Perpetue. In: Research Paper, March 2011. (Submitted)

Barone, Gaia (2011) Opzioni su azioni e obbligazioni nel modello di Leland. In: Research Paper, April 2011. (Submitted)

Barrett, Libby (2011) An Examination of the Success of a Performance Management Development System in a Semi-State Organisation. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Bleach, Josephine (2011) Developing ECCE practitioners' sense of professionalism through reflective practice and on-going professional development. In: European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) 21st Annual Conference, 14 - 17 September 2011, Geneva - Lausanne. (Submitted)

Bleach, Josephine (2011) Implementing Aistear through a Síolta lens. In: Our Children - Our Future Conference, PLE-Pedagogy, Learning and Education Research Conference, 20-21 October 2011, IT Sligo. (Submitted)

Bleach, Josephine (2011) Implementing Values through Community Action Research. In: Value and Virtue in Practice-Based Research, An International Conference, 1-2 June 2011, York St John University, UK. (Submitted)

Bleach, Josephine (2011) Using action research to support and develop quality practice. In: British Early Childhood Education Research Association Conference (BECERA), 23-24 February 2011, Birmingham. (Submitted)

Bleach, Josephine and Crowe, Brigina (2011) Discover University – PBL Inter-disciplinary Project. In: ‘Problem Based Learning (PBL) Today and Tomorrow’, Facilitate International Conference, 26-27 May 2011, Trinity College Dublin. (Submitted)

Bleach, Josephine and Crowe, Brigina (2011) Discover University – Transitional Skill Development. In: ‘Supporting Students in Transition’, CSSI 13th Biannual Conference, 15-16 June 2011, National College of Ireland, Dublin. (Submitted)

Boduszek, Daniel and Hyland, Philip (2011) Criminal Social Identity: The role of external factors and situation-specific schemas. In: The 7th North/South Irish Criminology Conference, 21st - 23rd June 2011, Sligo IT, Sligo, Ireland. (Submitted)

Boduszek, Daniel and Hyland, Philip (2011) The Development of Criminal Social Identity; A Psychosocial Perspective. In: The 33rd Annual Congress of Psychology Students in Ireland, 1st ‐ 2nd April 2011, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. (Submitted)

Boduszek, Daniel and Hyland, Philip (2011) The Role of Criminal Social Identity in Development of Anti-Social Life Style. In: 2nd Conference on Social Psychology in Ireland, 28th - 29th April 2011, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. (Submitted)

Boduszek, Daniel and Hyland, Philip (2011) The development of Criminal Social Identity: The role and meaning of multiple identities and contextual factors. In: The British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch 2011 Annual Conference, 15-17 April 2011, The Manor House Hotel, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh . (Submitted)

Boduszek, Daniel and Hyland, Philip (2011) The development of criminal social identity: Theoretical construct. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society. ISSN 1754-8837

Boduszek, Daniel and Hyland, Philip (2011) The role of personality in development of criminal thinking style. In: 15th International Conference on Thinking, 20 - 24 June 2011, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK. (Unpublished)

Boduszek, Daniel and Hyland, Philip (2011) The theoretical model of criminal social identity : Psycho-social perspective. International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory, 4 (1). pp. 604-614. ISSN 1916-2782

Boduszek, Daniel, McLaughlin, Chrisopher G. and Hyland, Philip (2011) Criminal attitudes of ex-prisoners : The role of personality, criminal friends and recidivism. Internet Journal of Criminology , 9. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2045-6743

Bosonnet, Danielle (2011) Technical Report: Funky Fitness. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Bouvry, Pascal, González-Vélez, Horacio and Kolodziej, Joanna (2011) Intelligent Decision Systems in Large-Scale Distributed Environments. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 362 . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin. ISBN 9783642212710

Breskovic, Ivan, Haas, Christian, Caton, Simon and Brandic, Ivona (2011) Towards Self-Awareness in Cloud Markets: A Monitoring Methodology. In: 2011 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 81-88. ISBN 9781467300063

Brooks, Jim (2011) iDiabetesCare - Enhancing diabetes care in the Cloud. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Buchanan, Frances, Capanni, Niccolo and González-Vélez, Horacio (2011) Fine artists of the world unite: Bridging heterogeneous distributed open data sources of fine art. In: 2011 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 224-229. ISBN 9781612841489


Cahier, Jean-Pierre, El Mawas, Nour, Zhou, Chao and Bénel, Aurélien (2011) Web 2.0, serious game: Structuring knowledge for participative and educative representations of the city. In: IET International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City (ICSSC 2011). IEEE, pp. 166-171. ISBN 9781849193269

Cahill, Sean (2011) Profiling and Indexing Application for use in Social Networks. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Casey, Leo and Bruce, Bertram C. (2011) The Practice Profile of Inquiry: connecting digital literacy and pedagogy. E-Learning and Digital Media, 8 (1). pp. 76-85. ISSN 2042-7530

Casey, Leo and Kyofuna, Sara (2011) Finding Pedagogy for Blended Learning. In: International Conference on Engaging Padagogy, 6th December 2011, Institute of Technology Sligo, Republic of Ireland. (Submitted)

Caswell, Jackie (2011) How Corporate Governance is implemented into Business Units within the G4S Cash Solutions Organization. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Chis, Adriana E., Mitchell, Nick, Schonberg, Edith, Sevitsky, Gary, O'Sullivan, Patrick, Parsons, Trevor and Murphy, John (2011) Patterns of Memory Inefficiency. In: Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECCOP), 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (6813). Springer, Berlin, pp. 383-407. ISBN 9783642226557

Chuluunkhuu, Enkhjin (2011) The Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Cocea, Mihaela and Weibelzahl, Stephan (2011) Can log files analysis estimate learners’ level of motivation? In: Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität, 9-11 October 2006, Hildesheim.

Cogan, Sam (2011) Technical Report: HTML-U. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Costelloe, Laura (2011) Towards a theory and framework of contextualisation: media discourse on French urban violence. In: 4th International ‘Language in the Media’ Conference., 6-8 June 2011, University of Limerick, Ireland.. (Submitted)

Courtney, Eileen (2011) Examine how an absence management programme can foster an attendance culture within an organisation. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland .


Davitt, Brian (2011) Exploring the relationship between resistance to change and the organisational culture in Leaseplan Infrastructure Services. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Dillane, Des (2011) employee induction. An exploratory study of employee induction within a business environment. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Donohoe, Gary, Rose, Emma Jane, Morris, Derek, Hargreaves, April, Gill, Michael and Corvin, Aiden (2011) S20-02 - Follow up of schizophrenia gwas based on cognitive performance, high density eeg, and structural brain imaging. European Psychiatry, 26 (1). p. 2083. ISSN 0924-9338

Donohoe, Gary, Walters, James, Morris, Derek W., Da Costa, Andrea, Rose, Emma Jane, Hargreaves, April, Maher, Katie, Hayes, Eimear, Giegling, Ina, Hartmann, Annette M., Möller, Hans-Jürgen, Muglia, Pierandrea, Moskvina, Valentina, Owen, Michael J., O'Donovan, Michael C., Gill, Michael, Corvin, Aiden and Rujescu, Dan (2011) A neuropsychological investigation of the genome wide associated schizophrenia risk variant NRGN rs12807809. Schizophrenia Research, 125 (2-3). pp. 304-306. ISSN 0920-9964

Dooley, Brenda (2011) How Engaged Are The Engagers? An exploration into the engagement levels and engagement drivers of Managers in Ireland. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Dunphy, Sinead (2011) What type of dispute resolution systems are being used in the workplace? Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Dupplaw, David, Croitoru, Madalina, Dasmahapatra, Srinandan, Gibb, Alex, González-Vélez, Horacio, Lurgi, Miguel, Hu, Bo, Lewis, Paul and Peet, Andrew (2011) A knowledge-rich distributed decision support framework: a case study for brain tumour diagnosis. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 26 (3). pp. 247-260. ISSN 1469-8005


Egan, Arlene (2011) Coaching Models. In: DWOP's Coaching Psychology Group CPD Event, 11 January 2011, Radisson Blu, Dublin . (Submitted)

Egan, Arlene and Murphy, Jennifer (2011) A review of the Peer Assisted Learning Programme in UCD Access Centre. In: 13th Conference of the Confederation of Student Services in Ireland: "Supporting Students in Transition". Post Proceedings. Confederation of Student Services in Ireland, Dublin, pp. 27-36.

Egan, Geraldine (2011) An Investigation into the Causes of Absenteeism in 'Company X'. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Egan, Jonathan (2011) An Interactive Study Guide. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

El Mawas, Nour, Cahier, Jean-Pierre and Bénel, Aurélien (2011) Vers des jeux sérieux massivement participatifs permettant une co-conception des règles par les acteurs. In: H2PTM (Hypertextes et Hypermédias), 2011, Metz, France. H2PTM, pp. 79-92.

Ennis, Cathy, Peters, Christopher and O'Sullivan, Carol (2011) Perceptual effects of scene context and viewpoint for virtual pedestrian crowds. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP), 8 (2). 10:1-10:22. ISSN 1544-3965


Fagan, Beth (2011) A Good Beginning – The Parent Child Home Programme in Dublin. In: Our Children - Our Future Conference, 20-21 October 2011, IT Sligo.

Fagan, Beth (2011) Parent Child Home Programme (PCHP). In: ‘Childhood Unfolding’, World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) Ireland Annual Research Conference, 2 April 2011, Cork.

Farrelly, Ruairi (2011) The impact of an employment embargo on the psychological contract in the Adelaide and Meath Hospital incorporating the National Children's Hospital(AMNCH). Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Gamble, Jordan, Gilmore, Audrey, McCartan-Quinn, Danielle and Durkan, Paula (2011) The Marketing concept in the 21st century: A review of how Marketing has been defined since the 1960s. The Marketing Review, 11 (3). pp. 227-248. ISSN 1469-347X

Garba, Michael T. and González-Vélez, Horacio (2011) Towards Ad-Hoc GPU Acceleration Of Parallel Eigensystem Computations. In: Proceedings 25th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation. ECMS, pp. 534-538. ISBN 9780956494429

Garba, Michael T. , González-Vélez, Horacio and Roach, Daniel L. (2011) Adjustable GPU Acceleration for Hermitian Eigensystems. In:

Garba, Michael T. , González-Vélez, Horacio and Roach, Daniel L. (2011) Computational Model of Inelastic Neutron Scattering for Nanomaterial Characterisation in GPU architectures. Journal of Computational Science. (Submitted)

Geary, Bobby and Grecos, Christos (2011) Towards real-time image quality assessment. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7871. p. 787102. ISSN 0277-786X

Ghergulescu, Ioana and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2011) Learner Motivation Assessment with <e-Adventure> Game Platform. In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2011. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, pp. 1212-1221.

Goldrick, Michael (2011) The Principles of Student Centrism: The Evolution of Learning Support and Development in Irish Higher Education. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 9783844396706

González-Vélez, Horacio (2011) Guest editorial preface : Computational intelligence for neuro-oncological diagnosis. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 26 (3). pp. 243-245. ISSN 1469-8005

González-Vélez, Horacio (2011) A New Industry-Centred Module on Structured Parallel Programming. In: Software Industry-Oriented Education Practices and Curriculum Development : Experiences and Lessons. Information Science Reference , United States, pp. 127-137. ISBN 9781609607975

González-Vélez, Horacio and Kontagora, Maryam (2011) Performance evaluation of MapReduce using full virtualisation on a departmental cloud. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 21 (2). pp. 275-284. ISSN 1641-876X

Gopinath, Chennupati (2011) Adaptation of Web Services based on User Preferences & User Evaluation. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Grecos, Christos and Wang, Qi (2011) Advances in video networking: standards and applications. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 7 (1). pp. 22-43. ISSN 1742-7371


Haas, Christian, Caton, Simon and Weinhardt, Christof (2011) Engineering Incentives in Social Clouds. In: 11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, 2011. IEEE, pp. 572-575. ISBN 9780769543956

Hanly, Paul, O'Leary, Eamonn, Ó Céilleachair, Alan, Skally, Mairead and Sharp, Linda (2011) Exploring the economic costs of informal care for colorectal cancer survivors in Ireland. In: Irish Society of Gastroenterology, November 2011, Dublin. (Submitted)

Hanly, Paul, Timmons, Aileen, Walsh, Paul M. and Sharp, Linda (2011) Breast and prostate cancer productivity costs: a comparison of the human capital approach and the friction cost approach. In: ISPOR 14th Annual European Congress, 5-8 November 2011, Hotel Auditorium Madrid, Madrid, Spain. (Submitted)

Hanly, Paul, Timmons, Aileen, Walsh, Paul M. and Sharp, Linda (2011) Investigating the costs to society of lost productivity due to cancer: A comparison of breast and prostate cancer. In: 3rd National Conference on Population-Based Cancer Research in Ireland, 17 November 2011, Gresham Hotel, Dublin. (Submitted)

Hanly, Paul, Timmons, Aileen, Walsh, Paul M. and Sharp, Linda (2011) Investigating the costs to society of lost productivity due to cancer: a comparison of breast and prostate cancer. In: 3rd National Conference on Population-Based Cancer Research in Ireland, 17 November 2011, Gresham Hotel, Dublin. (Submitted)

Hanly, Paul, Ó Céilleachair, Alan, O'Leary, Eamonn, Skally, Mairead and Sharp, Linda (2011) Estimating the economic burden of informal care for colorectal cancer survivors: time, travel and out-of-pocket costs. In: 3rd National Conference on Population-Based Cancer Research in Ireland, 17 November 2011, Gresham Hotel, Dublin. (Submitted)

Harvey, Declan (2011) Does Value at Risk provide an accurate and reliable measure of risk exposure, as a stand - alone risk management tool for a financial institution in periods of economic uncertainty? Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Hayes, Martha (2011) Understanding disengagement. The employee's story. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hayes, Paul, Weibelzahl, Stephan and Hall, Timothy (2011) The Effect of Text Messaging on Student Affective Learning. In: EdTech 2011: 12th Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, 1-2 June 2011, Waterford Institute of Technology. (Submitted)

Hayes, Paul, Weibelzahl, Stephan and Hall, Timothy (2011) Mobile Technologies in Education - Ubiquitous Scaffolding and Support for Undergraduate Students. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning. International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), pp. 308-311.

Hudson, Matthew and Jellema, Tjeerd (2011) Resolving ambiguous behavioral intentions by means of involuntary prioritization of gaze processing. Emotion, 11 (3). pp. 681-686. ISSN 1931-1516

Hyland, Philip and Boduszek, Daniel (2011) Predicting Intentions to Participate in Counselling Among At-Risk Irish Government Employees Using The Theory of Planned Behaviour. In: 2nd Conference on Social Psychology in Ireland, 28th - 29th April 2011, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. (Submitted)

Hyland, Philip and Boduszek, Daniel (2011) Understanding Counselling Seeking Behaviour: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. In: The 33rd Annual Congress of Psychology Students in Ireland, 1st ‐ 2nd April 2011, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Hyland, Philip, Boduszek, Daniel and Kielkiewicz, Krzysztof (2011) A psycho-­historical analysis of Adolf Hitler : The role of personality, psychopathology, and development. Psychology and Society, 4 (2). pp. 58-63. ISSN 2041-5893

Hyland, Philip, McLaughlin, Chrisopher G. , Boduszek, Daniel and Prentice, Garry R. (2011) Can The Theory of Planned Behaviour Predict Intentions to Participate in Counselling Among At-Risk Irish Government Employees? Proceedings of the British Psychological Society. ISSN 1754-8837

Hyland, Philip, McLaughlin, Chrisopher G. , Boduszek, Daniel and Prentice, Garry R. (2011) Can the Theory of Planned Behaviour predict intentions to participate in counselling among at-risk Irish Government Employees. In: The British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch 2011 Annual Conference, 15-17 April 2011, The Manor House Hotel, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh . (Submitted)

Hyland, Philip, McLaughlin, Chrisopher G. , Boduszek, Daniel and Prentice, Garry R. (2011) Predicting intentions to participate in counselling among Irish Government employees. In: 15th International Conference on Thinking, 20 - 24 June 2011, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK. (Submitted)


Jordan, Emmet (2011) Technical Report: HART Systems. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Jose, Ambily (2011) Does performance appraisal motivate employees at a workplace. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Kavanagh, Gus (2011) Can economic conditions influence an employee’s attitude to their right of respect and dignity? Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kelly, Melanie (2011) The role of corporate Social Responsibility in the time of economical crisis. To be or not to be. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kelly, Michelle E. and Barnes-Holmes, Dermot (2011) Developing the implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP) as a measure of treatment acceptability. In: The Division of Behaviour Analysis (DBA) Annual Conference, April 2011, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin. (Submitted)

Kelly, Michelle E. and Barnes-Holmes, Dermot (2011) Measuring the acceptability of behavioural interventions in ABA and mainstream schools. In: The Conference of the British Psychological Society, Northern Ireland (BPS-NI), April 2011, Manor Hotel, Fermanagh. (Submitted)

Killion, Siobhan (2011) Entrepreneurship and the macro economy. The drivers of Irish entrepreneurship. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Kilroy, Sarah, Sharry, John, Flood, Catriona and Guerin, Suzanne (2011) Parenting training in the community : linking process to outcome. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 16 (3). pp. 459-473. ISSN 1461-7021

Knight, Robert (2011) Employee engagement. A study of employee engagement at Topaz's South Dublin Region Service stations. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Korkosz, Magdalena (2011) Exploring a relationship between organisational communication and job satisfaction. A study of internal communication within Irish-owned pharmaceutical contract packaging company. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Lambert, Jonathan, Crowe, Brigina and Goldrick, Michael (2011) A study into the effects of a Social Collaborative Learning Strategy to Enhance Student Engagement with Mathematics. In: ‘Supporting Students in Transition’, CSSI 13th Biannual Conference, 15-16 June 2011, National College of Ireland, Dublin. (Submitted)

Lambert, Jonathan, Goldrick, Michael, Crowe, Brigina, Adams, Corrie, Kennedy, Caroline and McCorkell, Geraldine (2011) Mainstreaming Equity, Opportunity and Success in National College of Ireland. In: Dublin Regional Higher Education Alliance Widening Participation Strand Symposium, 2011, UCD Quinn Business School, University College Dublin, Belfield Dublin. (Submitted)

Lambert, Jonathan and Sheridan, Frances (2011) Towards an Adaptive Tutoring System for a Computing and Business Mathematics Module as a way to Facilitate Self-directed Learning through the use of the Online Virtual Learning Environment Moodle. In: National College of Ireland Lunchtime Seminar Series, National College of Ireland, Dublin. (Submitted)


MacRory, Caoimhe (2011) Organisational change, is a successful outcome dependant on employee buy-in? : A case study. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Maguire, Phil and Maguire, Rebecca (2011) Are word meanings atomic or complex? An investigation of conceptual knowledge activation in context. In: European Perspectives on Cognitive Science. New Bulgarian University Press, Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 9789545356605

Maguire, Phil and Maguire, Rebecca (2011) Understanding the Complexity of the Mind. In: European Perspectives on Cognitive Science. New Bulgarian University Press. ISBN 9789545356605

Maguire, Phil, Maguire, Rebecca and Marshall, Patrick (2011) Investigating the Use of Paired Programming for Teaching Data Structures and Algorithms. In: Proceedings of AISHE-C 2011: The Challenge for Graduates in a Changed World. AISHE.

Maguire, Rebecca, Maguire, Phil and Keane, Mark (2011) Making Sense of Surprise: An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Surprise Judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37 (1). pp. 176-186. ISSN 1939-1285

Martin, Jochen, Caton, Simon, Conte, Tobias and Weinhardt, Christof (2011) Towards Financial Planning as a Service. In: IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), 2011. IEEE, pp. 767-768. ISBN 9780769544625

McCabe, Thomas, J. and Sambrook, Sally (2011) A Discourse Analysis of Managerialism and Trust amongst NHS Nurses and Nurse Managers. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, 31 August - 2 September 2011, National College of Ireland, Dublin. (Submitted)

McCamley, Claire, Gilmore, Audrey and McCartan-Quinn, Danielle (2011) Stakeholder identification and management of tourism marketing at Heritage Sites. In: Tourism and Hospitality Research in Ireland Conference, June 2011, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. (Submitted)

McCamley, Claire, Gilmore, Audrey and McCartan-Quinn, Danielle (2011) An investigation of Stakeholder Relationships in the Marketing of Tourism within Northern Ireland. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2011: Marketing Fields Forever. Academy of Marketing. ISBN 9780956112234

McCarthy, Jonathan (2011) Investigation of the effect Design Patterns have on Consumption Metrics for an Existing ASP.Net Enterprise Application running on the Azure Platform. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

McEneff, Lisa (2011) The changing relationship between business ethics and buyer behaviour in the past decade. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

McHugh, Joanna E., Casey, Anne-Marie and Lawlor, Brian A. (2011) Psychosocial correlates of aspects of sleep quality in community-dwelling Irish older adults. Aging & Mental Health, 15 (6). pp. 749-755. ISSN 1364-6915

McHugh, Joanna E. and Lawlor, Brian A. (2011) Living alone does not account for the association between loneliness and sleep in older adults. Health Psychology, 30 (2). p. 135. ISSN 1930-7810

McNally, Sinéad, Bourke, Ashling and McCrory, Cathal (2011) Determinants of peri-conceptional folic acid use in Ireland: findings from the infant cohort of Growing Up in Ireland. In: Growing Up in Ireland Research Conference, 1 December 2011, Berkeley Hotel, Dublin. (Unpublished)

Meaney, Jonathan (2011) TwoBrains, the learning enabled social network(LESN). Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Molnar, Andreea Maria and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2011) EcoLearn : Battery Power Friendly e-Learning Environment for Mobile Device Users. In: Learning-Oriented Technologies, Devices and Networks. Lambert Academic Publishing, pp. 273-296. ISBN 9783843390002

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae, Moraru, Catalin Alexandru and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2011) MediaMTool : Multimedia content management tool. In: IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). IEEE, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781612841205

Moldovan, Arghir-Nicolae and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2011) Towards Personalised and Adaptive Multimedia in M-learning Systems. In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2011. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, pp. 782-791.

Molnar, Andreea Maria (2011) Cost Efficient Educational Multimedia Delivery. Doctoral thesis, National College of Ireland.

Molnar, Andreea Maria and Muntean, Cristina Hava (2011) Mobile Learning : An Economic Approach. In: Intelligent and Adaptive Learning Systems: Technology Enhanced Support for Learners and Teachers. IGI Global Publishing, pp. 311-326. ISBN 9781609608422

Mothersill, Omar (2011) Investigating the impact of psychosis risk genes on neural connectivity: A review and quantification of effects. In: School of Medicine Tercentenary Symposium, 4th November 2011, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. (Submitted)

Mothersill, Omar (2011) The NOS1 Polymorphism rs6490121 is Associated with Variation in Prefrontal Function and Gray Matter Density in Healthy Individuals. In: Wiring the Brain Conference, 12th - 15th April 2011, Wicklow, Ireland. (Submitted)

Murray, Karen (2011) Developments in Data Protection Law. Irish Law Times, 29 (7). pp. 95-99. ISSN 0021-1281

Murtagh, Alan (2011) Technical Report: Jobsite for Contractors. Undergraduate thesis, National College of Ireland.


Navickaite, Indre (2011) Psychological contract in the context of the wider organisational system. Challenges and opportunities in Kellog's company. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Ni Mhuimhneachain, Maire (2011) Correlation between Organisation Strategy and Change Management Initiatives. Undergraduate thesis, National College of Ireland.

Nieves, Juan Carlos, Padget, Julian, Vasconcelos, Wamberto, Staikopoulos, Athanasios, Cliffe, Owen, Dignum, Frank, Vázquez-Salceda, Javier, Clarke, Siobhán and Reed, Chris (2011) Coordination, organisation and model-driven approaches for dynamic, flexible, robust software and services engineering. In: Service Engineering. Springer, Vienna, pp. 85-115. ISBN 9783709104156

Nightingale, James, Wang, Qi and Grecos, Christos (2011) OPSSA: A Media-Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Scalable Video Streaming over Simultaneous Paths in NEMO-Based Mobile Networks. In: 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring). IEEE. ISBN 9781424483310

Nightingale, James, Wang, Qi and Grecos, Christos (2011) Real-time video streaming using H.264 scalable video coding (SVC) in multihomed mobile networks: a testbed approach. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7871. 78710B. ISSN 0277-786X


O'Brien, Fearghal and Gormley, Michael (2011) Impulsivity among young drivers caught speeding. In: Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) Conference, 10th-13th November 2011, Galway. (Submitted)

O'Brien, Fearghal and Gormley, Michael (2011) The contribution of impulsivity to problematic driving among young people. In: 25th European Health Psychology Conference, 20th-24th September 2011, Crete, Greece. (Submitted)

O'Keefe, Kevin (2011) An evaluation of the selection methods employed by company x and an exploration into the possible use of more advanced selection methods. Masters thesis, Dublin National College of Ireland.

O'Sullivan, Carol and Ennis, Cathy (2011) Metropolis: Multisensory Simulation of a Populated City. In: 2011 Third International Conference on Games and Virtual World for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES). IEEE, pp. 1-7. ISBN 9780769544199

Ogiemwonyi, Timothy (2011) Foreign Direct Investment(FDI). Choice of entry mode by American multinational companies(MNCs) in Ireland. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

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Sheridan, Damien (2011) The important role that IT management play in taking a holistic view of people, process and technology working together in unison rather than isolation. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Skally, Mairead, Hanly, Paul, Ó Céilleachair, Alan and Sharp, Linda (2011) Faecal DNA screening for colorectal cancer: a realistic option? A systematic review. In: 3rd National Conference on Population-Based Cancer Research in Ireland, 17 November 2011, Gresham Hotel, Dublin. (Submitted)

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Ó Céilleachair, Alan, Hanly, Paul, Skally, Mairead, O'Neill, Ciaran and Sharp, Linda (2011) Cost comparisons and methodological heterogeneity in cost-of-illness studies: the example of colorectal cancer. In: ISPOR 14th Annual European Congress, 5-8 November 2011, Hotel Auditorium Madrid, Madrid, Spain. (Submitted)

Ó Céilleachair, Alan, Hanly, Paul, Skally, Mairead, O'Neill, Ciaran and Sharp, Linda (2011) Treatment-related time and travel costs in colorectal cancer survivors. In: 3rd National Conference on Population-Based Cancer Research in Ireland, 17 November 2011, Gresham Hotel, Dublin. (Submitted)

Ó Céilleachair, Alan, Hanly, Paul, Skally, Mairead, O'Neill, Ciaran, Sharp, Linda, Fitzpatrick, Patricia, Kapur, Kanika and Staines, Anthony (2011) The cost of care for colorectal cancer: a systematic review and critique of the literature. In: 3rd National Conference on Population-Based Cancer Research in Ireland, 17 November 2011, Gresham Hotel, Dublin. (Submitted)

Ó Céilleachair, Alan, O'Leary, Eamonn, Skally, Mairead, Hanly, Paul and Sharp, Linda (2011) Cancer-related financial stress and strain are associated with health-related quality-of-life in colorectal cancer survivors. In: 3rd National Conference on Population-Based Cancer Research in Ireland, 17 November 2011, Gresham Hotel, Dublin. (Submitted)

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