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Items where Year is 2008

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Number of items: 81.


Barone, Gaia (2008) Arbitrages and Arrow-Debreu Prices. Rivista di Politica Economica, 98 (6). pp. 43-78.

Barone, Gaia (2008) Index Options as Compound Options on Assets. In: Research paper, April 2008. (Submitted)

Bishop, Ann Peterson and Bruce, Bertram C. (2008) Community inquiry. In: Liberating voices : A pattern language for communication revolution. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 478-480. ISBN 9780262693660

Breen, Duncan (2008) An educational enquiry: why organisations need to manage outsourced IT contracts. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Byrne, Pat (2008) Performance Appraisal within Team Based Organisations - Is There a Conflict? Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Carton, Catherine (2008) An exploration of employee engagement in SAL. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Casey, Leo (2008) Blended learning and Skills: Learning from KESP and Know IT. In: Dublin City Council Skills Conference, 28th April 2008, Dublin. (Submitted)

Casey, Leo (2008) Conceptions of Digital Literacy: Implications for Research Design. In: EdTech 2008 Ninth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users Conference, 22nd & 23rd of May 2008, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland. (Submitted)

Casey, Leo (2008) Learning at Work: Individual Concerns and Organisational Responses. In: NCI and NCPP Learning at Work Conference, 15th May 2008, National College of Ireland, Dublin. (Submitted)

Casey, Leo (2008) Organic Teaching and How Digital Media Make it Possible. In: Forum of the Irish Media Research Network Annual Conference, 20th September 2008, Maynooth. (Submitted)

Casey, Leo (2008) Skills and Competence – A Lifespan Perspective. In: INTO Trainers Group Conference , 22nd October 2008. (Submitted)

Cassidy, Monica (2008) Multiple Perspectives on the Value of a Shared Professional Development Experience. In: European Early Childhood Education Research Conference, 3-6 September 2008, Norway.

Caton, Simon, Caan, Matthan, Olabarriaga, Sílvia, Rana, Omer F. and Batchelor, Bruce G. (2008) Using Dynamic Condor-Based Services for Classifying Schizophrenia in Diffusion Tensor Images. In: 8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid Cluster Computing and the Grid Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID), 2008. IEEE, pp. 234-241. ISBN 9780769531564

Chis, Adriana E. (2008) Automatic detection of memory anti-patterns. In: Companion to the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA), 2008. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 925-926. ISBN 9781605582207

Concannon, Fiona (2008) An evaluation of the use of 'Customer Relationship Management'(CRM) in an Irish subsidiary of a Global pharmaceutical company. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Darcy, Colette, McCarthy, Alma and Grady, Geraldine (2008) Extending the Work-Life Balance Debate: An Investigation of Older Worker Perceptions. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, 3rd-5th September 2008, Dublin City University, Dublin Ireland. (Submitted)

Darcy, Colette, McCarthy , Alma and Grady, Geraldine (2008) Work Life Imbalance: An Examination of the Differential Effects of Gender and Age. In: Institute of Work Psychology Conference, Sheffield, U.K.. (Submitted)

Delgado, Carla and González-Vélez, Horacio (2008) Establishing a Biomedical Virtual Organisation through a Portal: Lessons Learned from HEALTHAGENTS. In: IST-Africa 2008 Conference Proceedings. IIMC International Information Management Corporation, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9781905824076

Dunne, Mary (2008) A study on the effects of change on employees working within an Irish Financial Institution. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Fagan, Selena (2008) The Impact of Absenteeism in the Irish Workplace Recommendations and Policies for Prevention. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Flood, Catriona and Crowe, Brigina (2008) Creating a Shared Vision - An Early Learning Initiative. In: European Early Childhood Education Research Conference, 3-6 September 2008, Norway. (Submitted)


Ghergulescu, Ioana, Moebs, Sabine and McManis, Jennifer (2008) Enabling Social Connectedness in E-Learning. In: Cases and Projects in Business Informatics: International Business Informatics Challenge and Conference 2008. Dublin City University, Dublin, pp. 77-102.

González-Vélez, Horacio and Cole, Murray (2008) An adaptive parallel pipeline pattern for grids. In: IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 2008. IPDPS 2008. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 1-11. ISBN 9781424416943

Gorby, Aisling (2008) An Investigation into the Use of Learning Management Systems by Third Level Faculty. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Gordon, Kevin (2008) Poor Recruitment Decisions - What is the cost impact to the Organisation. A case study on an Organisation within the Financial Services Sector. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Grady, Geraldine, Kerrane, Melrona, Darcy, Colette and McCarthy, Alma (2008) Work Life Balance: Policies and Initiatives in Irish Organisations: A Best Practice Management Guide. Oak Tree Press, Cork. ISBN 9781904887249

Grecos, Christos (2008) An encoder-driven strategy for joint macroblock concealment and bit rate reduction in the H264 Advanced Video Coding standard. International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, 1 (3). pp. 282-295. ISSN 1754-8640

Grecos, Christos and Yang, Ming Yuan (2008) Audiovisual Compression for Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments. In: Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments. Studies in Computational Intelligence (120). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 9-40. ISBN 9783540785026

Grecos, Christos and Yang, Mingyuan (2008) An Eye Detector Based on Cues and Heuristics with a Good Accuracy/Complexity Trade-off. In: 2008 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems. IEEE, pp. 492-497. ISBN 9780769531663


Hackett, Martin (2008) Contingency Planning: a Comprehensive study of the Importance of Contingency planning within an Irish Meat Organisation. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Halpin, Salome (2008) An exploration of Performance Management within the Financial Services Sector considering the current global financial crisis. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hanly, Paul (2008) Microeconomics. University of Limerick, Limerick.

Hanly, Paul (2008) A macroeconomic assessment of Ireland's competitive position within the meetings industry: Revealed strengths and weaknesses. In: Irish Academy of Management Conference, 3rd-5th September 2008, Dublin City University, Dublin Ireland. (Submitted)

Harkin, E. , Maguire, Rebecca and Prentice, Garry R. (2008) Sibling influences in the moral reasoning of adolescents, using the PROM questionnaire. The Irish Psychologist, 35 (4). p. 96. ISSN 0790-4789

Hastings, Tim (2008) The State of The Unions: Challenges Facing Organised Labour in Ireland. The Changing World of Work . Liffey Press, Dublin. ISBN 9781905785490

Hearty, Nuala (2008) Strategic Human Resource Management within the Pharmaceutical Industry: Reality or Rhetoric? Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Hill, Jimmy (2008) Personal contact networks: an overview and application. In: Henry Stewart Talks: Getting the Most Out of Qualitative Research, May 2008. (Submitted)

Hill, Jimmy and Chaita, M (2008) An Evaluation of How Entrepreneurial Firms Use Breakthrough Innovation to Develop New Markets. In: UIC Symposium at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface, June 2008, University of Orebro, Sweden. (Submitted)

Hill, Jimmy and Hookham, C (2008) An Evaluation of the Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership on the Evolution of Marketing in Entrepreneurial SMEs. In: UIC Symposium at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface, June 2008, University of Orebro, Sweden. (Submitted)

Hill, Jimmy and Hookham, C (2008) Using Web-based Support Tools to Strengthen the Marketing Entrepreneurship Interface. In: UIC Symposium at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface, June 2008, University of Orebro, Sweden. (Submitted)

Hogan, Orla (2008) A Study of the Causes and Effects of Staff Turnover. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Hurley, Teresa (2008) Intervention strategies to increase motivation in adaptive online learning. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Igbrue, Claudia and Pathak, Pramod (2008) A framework for Creating Multiple Intelligences Informed Content for e-learning. In: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2008. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, pp. 1657-1666. ISBN 9781880094662


Kehoe, Michele (2008) Make that grade : organisational behaviour. Gill and Macmillan, Dublin . ISBN 9780717142705

Kennedy, Jackie (2008) The most critical competencies for the effective HR Professional in the Irish Financial Services sector. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Kennedy, Stephen, Treanor, Declan and O'Grady, Mary (2008) DAWN Handbook : Teaching Students with Disabilities : Guidelines for Academic Staff. NAIRTL, Cork. ISBN 9780955610998

Kenny, Antoinette (2008) An analysis of Equality and Diversity in a multinational environment with particular emphasis on disability. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

King , Paula (2008) A case study to explore whether an increase in employee engagement would provide a solution to the retention issue in the Irish Labour market. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.

Kuziemsky, Craig, O'Sullivan, Dympna, Michalowski, Wojtek, Wilk, Syzmon and Farion, Ken (2008) A Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Data-Driven Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2008. American Medical Informatics Association, Bethesda, MD, pp. 540-544.


Lahart, Orla (2008) Supporting the Tutor in a Tutor-Tutee Adaptive Educational System. Doctoral thesis, Trinity College, Dublin.

Lahart, Orla, Kelly, Declan and Tangney, Brendan (2008) Development of a Dual User Adaptive Education System. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, pp. 1768-1778. ISBN 9781880094655

Lambert, Jonathan and Power, James F. (2008) Platform Independent Timing of Java Virtual Machine Bytecode Instructions. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 220 (3). pp. 97-113. ISSN 1571-0661

Lambert, Jonathan and Power, James F. (2008) Platform Independent Timing of Java Virtual Machine Bytecode Instructions. In: Sixth Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (QAPL), 29th - 30th March 2008, Budapest, Hungary. (Submitted)

Lluch i. Ariet, Magi , Estanyol, Francesc, Mier, Mariola, Delgado, Carla, González-Vélez, Horacio, Dalmaine, Tiphaine, Robles, Montserrat, Sáez, Carlos, Vicente, Javier, Van Huffel, Sabine, Luts, Jan, Arus, Carles, Silveira, Ana Paula Candiota, Julia-Sapé, Margarida, Peet, Andrew, Gibb, Alex, Sun, Yu, Celda, Bernardo, Bisbal, Maria Carmen Martinez, Valsecchi, Giulia, Dupplaw, David, Hu, Bo and Lewis, Paul (2008) On the Implementation of HealthAgents: Agent-Based Brain Tumour Diagnosis. In: Agent Technology and e-Health. Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing . Birkhäuser Basel, Basel, pp. 5-24. ISBN 9783764385477


Maguire, Phil, Maguire, Rebecca and Cater, Arthur W. S. (2008) Factors influencing the interpretation of noun-noun compounds. In: Proceedings of the Thirtieth Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, pp. 167-172.

Maguire, Phil, Maguire, Rebecca and Cater, Arthur W. S. (2008) A computational model of conceptual combination. In: Proceedings of the Thirtieth Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, pp. 59-64.

Martin, Sheila K. (2008) Dismissing an employee for poor work performance - Staying within the law. Irish Independent.

Martin, Sheila K. (2008) Economic Recession and Workplace Stress. People Focus.

Maycock, Keith and Keating, John (2008) A Framework for Higher Education. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on Advances in Engineering Education, 5 (8). pp. 539-548. ISSN 1790-1979

Maycock, Keith and Keating, John (2008) On-demand mathemagenic content for learners. In: Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS/IASME international conference on Engineering education. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States of America, pp. 155-163. ISBN 978-960-6766-86-2 (Submitted)

McCabe, Thomas, J. and Garavan, Thomas, N. (2008) A study of the drivers of commitment amongst nurses: The salience of training, development and career issues. Journal of European Industrial Training , 32 (7). pp. 528-568. ISSN 0309-0590

McCarthy, Alma, Cleveland, A., Hunter, S., Darcy, Colette, Grady, Geraldine and Kirrane, Melrona (2008) Cascading Effects of HR and Line Manager Attitudes on Employee Work Life Balance. In: Academy of Management Work Life Balance Symposium, 15th-19th August, Anaheim CA.. (Submitted)

McCormack, Paul (2008) Kaizen (or Japanization) the way forward outside of Japan. An analysis of the implications for a Japanese company based in Ireland as a result of the introduction of Kaizen. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

McNally, Sinéad and Quigley, Jean (2008) Theory in practice: behaviour theory and autism intervention. In: British Psychological Society Conference, April 2008, RDS, Dublin. (Unpublished)

Mooney, Paul (2008) Desperate Executives : A Story of Coaching, Change and Personal Growth. National College of Ireland Changing the World of Work . The Liffey Press, Dublin. ISBN 9781905785391

Moylan, Catherine (2008) Does Information Communications Technology (ICT) enable achieving a better Work Life Balance? Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Muntean, Cristina Hava (2008) Improving learner quality of experience by content adaptation based on network conditions. Computers in Human Behavior, 24 (4). pp. 1452-1472. ISSN 1873-7692

Muntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2008) End-User Quality of Experience-Aware Personalized E-Learning. In: Architecture Solutions for E-Learning Systems. IGI Global, pp. 154-174. ISBN 9781599046334

Murphy, Hayley (2008) A Critical Analysis of Absence Management in the Public Sector Organisation. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


O'Grady, Angela (2008) The Value of Outsourcing The 'non value add' Activities of The Human Resource Function. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Okouya, Daniel, Penserini, Loris, Saudrais, Sébastien, Staikopoulos, Athanasios, Dignum, Virginia and Clarke, Siobhán (2008) Designing MAS Organisation through an integrated MDA/Ontology Approach. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Transforming and Weaving Ontologies in Model Driven Engineering TWOMDE 2008. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (395)., pp. 55-60.


Rogan, Gwen (2008) Psychological Contract Inside the Minds of the High Fliers. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Rovcanin, Lejla, Muntean, Cristina Hava and Muntean, Gabriel-Miro (2008) Performance Aware Adaptation in Open Corpus E-Learning Systems. In: Technologies for Mobile and Wireless Adaptive E-learning Environments Workshop, 5th International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH2008), 29 July - 1 August 2008, Hannover Germany.

Ryan, Michele (2008) When All is Said and Done. In: Memories, Milestones and New Horizons: Reflections on the Regeneration of Ballymun. Blackstaff Press, Belfast, pp. 137-150. ISBN 9780856408359


Serrano, Jesus Canovas, Yang, Mingyuan and Grecos, Christos (2008) A resource constrained MPEG-7 driven rate control scheme for the H264/AVC. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6811. 68110B. ISSN 0277-786X

Sheridan, Frances (2008) Understanding Iteration - the use of phenomenography to enhance teaching and learning in computer programming. Masters thesis, Trinity College Dublin.

Stynes, Paul, Conlan, Owen and O'Sullivan, Declan (2008) Towards a Simulation-based Communication Tool to Support Semantic Business Process Management. In: Third International Workshop on Semantic Business Process Management in Proceedings of Workshops held at the Fifth European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC08), 2 June 2008, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.


Tyrell, Pamela (2008) An Investigation into the Practicalities of a flexible working policy in the Intellectual Disability Sector: A Case Study. Masters thesis, National College of Ireland.


Wilk, Syzmon, Michalowski, Wojtek, O'Sullivan, Dympna, Farion, Ken and Matwin, Stan (2008) Engineering of a Clinical Decision Support Framework for the Point of Care Use. In: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2008. American Medical Informatics Association, Bethesda, MD, pp. 814-818.

Williams, James, Greene, Sheila, Doyle, Erika, Harris, Elaine, McDaid, Rory, McNally, Sinéad, Merriman, Brían, Nixon, Elizabeth and Swords, Lorraine (2008) Growing Up in Ireland - National Longitudinal Study of Children. Wave 1 at 9 years [collection]. [Dataset]


Xiao, Liang, Vicente, Javier, Sáez, Carlos, Peet, Andrew, Gibb, Alex, Lewis, Paul, Dasmahaptra, Srinandan, Croitoru, Madalina, González-Vélez, Horacio, Lluch i. Ariet, Magi and Dupplaw, David (2008) A Security Model and its Application to a Distributed Decision Support System for Healthcare. In: Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, 2008. ARES 2008. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 578-585. ISBN 9780769531021

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