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Items where Subject is "Child Development"

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Bleach, Josephine and Byrne, Marion (2023) Early Childhood Home Visiting – a collaborative person-centred community approach. In: CARN Bulletin 26. CARN (Collaborative Action Research Network), Manchester, England, pp. 36-40. ISBN 978-1-910029-97-8

Byrne, Marion, Darmody, Kate, Kent, Gráinne, Lambert, Jonathan and Mulligan, Brona (2023) Developmental Outcomes of Infants from an Area of Socio-Economic Disadvantage: A Comparison with National Norms. In: 18th World Congress for the World Association for Infant Mental Health. The World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), Dublin, Ireland.


Conroy, Ella (2020) Examining Personal Experiences of Repeated Exposure to Violent Content in Social Media in Young Adults using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Cummins, Lána and Byrne, Marion (2023) My Place to Play: an interagency approach to creating a dedicated place to play for infants and their families living in emergency accommodation. In: CARN Bulletin 25. CARN (Collaborative Action Research Network), Dublin, Ireland, pp. 9-13. ISBN 978-1-910029-96-1


Dauvermann, Maria R., Costello, Laura, Nabulsi, Leila, McPhilemy, Genevieve, Corley, Emma, Fernandes, Andrea, Kakodkar, Pramath, Neo, Wee Xuan, Mothersill, David, Holleran, Laurena, Hallahan, Brian, McDonald, Colm, Donohoe, Gary and Cannon, Dara M. (2024) Structural brain connectivity does not associate with childhood trauma in individuals with schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 180. pp. 451-461. ISSN 1879-1379

Dauvermann, Maria R., Mothersill, David, Rokita, Karolina I., King, Sinead, Holleran, Laurena, Kane, Ruan, McKernan, Declan P., Kelly, John P., Morris, Derek W., Corvin, Aiden, Hallahan, Brian, McDonald, Colm and Donohoe, Gary (2021) Changes in Default-Mode Network Associated With Childhood Trauma in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47 (5). pp. 1482-1494. ISSN 1745-1701


Fagan, Beth (2012) The Parent Child Home Programme in Dublin's Docklands. An Leanbh �g: The OMEP Ireland Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 6 (1). pp. 129-136. ISSN 2009-5910


Gherman, Jennifer (2022) Impact of Kin on Social Skills; Comparing Singletons and Individuals with Siblings. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Gordon, Abigail (2022) An Investigation of Parent and Caregiver Experiences of the Association between Attachment and Reading Disorder Tendencies in Children and the Effect on Self-Esteem Levels. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Greene, Sheila, Morgan, Mark, McCrory, Cathal and McNally, Sinéad (2014) Growing Up in Ireland: Review of the Literature Pertaining to the Second Wave of Data Collection with the Infant Cohort at Three Years. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin.

Groza, Victor, Park, Hyeshin and Oke, Meera (2012) A Study of Adult Adoptees in India Placed Domestically in India through BSSK, Pune. Project Report. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA.


Hyland, Philip, Karatzias, Thanos, Ford, Julian D., Fox, Robert and Spinazzola, Joseph (2022) The Latent Structure of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology and its Association with Different Forms of Trauma and Suicidality and Self-Harm. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. ISSN 2730-7174 (In Press)


Kent, Gráinne (2015) Exploring the most Advantageous Teaching Sequence for Relational Responding in Children with Diagnosed Autism or Developmental Disability. In: PSI Early Graduate Group Conference, 28th February 2015, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway. (Submitted)

Kent, Gráinne (2014) Exploring the most optimal training sequence in the emergence of derived relational responding in children with developmental delays. In: Division of Behaviour Analysis Conference, 5th April 2014, Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. (Submitted)

Kent, Gráinne (2013) Exploring the relationship between verbal ability and derived relational responding skills in children with developmental delays. In: Division of Behaviour Analysis Conference, 26th April 2013, Galway Bay Hotel, Galway. (Submitted)

Kent, Gráinne, Bleach, Josephine and Fagan, Beth (2015) Parent Child Home Programme. In: Early Childhood Ireland Research Conference, 18th April 2015, Croke Park, Dublin. (Submitted)

Kent, Gráinne, Bleach, Josephine and Fagan, Beth (2015) The Role of the Parent Child Home Programme in Supporting Better Outcomes in Education and Learning. In: Annual Children's Research Network in Ireland and Northern Ireland Conference, 10th December 2015, Dublin. (Submitted)

Kent, Gráinne, Bleach, Josephine and Fagan, Beth (2015) Supporting Parents through the Parent Child Home Programme. In: UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre Conference, 11th June 2015, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway. (Submitted)

Kent, Gráinne, Galvin, Edel, Barnes-Holmes, Yvonne, Murphy, Carol and Barnes-Holmes, Dermot (2017) Relational Responding: Testing, Training, and Sequencing Effects among Children with Autism and Typically-developing Children. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 22 (1). pp. 94-110. ISSN 1942-0722

Kent, Gráinne and Pitsia, Vasiliki (2017) How do the home learning environment experiences in Ireland vary across diverse backgrounds? In: Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, 8th-11th November 2017, Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa, Limerick. (Submitted)

Kent, Gráinne and Pitsia, Vasiliki (2018) A comparison of the home learning environment of families at risk of socio-economic disadvantage to national norms in Ireland. Irish Educational Studies, 37 (4). pp. 505-521. ISSN 1747-4965

King, Sinead, Holleran, Laurena, Mothersill, David, Patlola, Saahithh, Rokita, Karolina, McManus, Ross, Kenyon, Marcus, McDonald, Colm, Hallahan, Brian, Corvin, Aiden, Morris, Derek, Kelly, John, McKernan, Declan and Donohoe, Gary (2021) Early life Adversity, functional connectivity and cognitive performance in Schizophrenia: The mediating role of IL-6. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 98. pp. 388-396. ISSN 0889-1591

Kulkarni, S. and Oke, Meera (2007) An assessment of the Quality of life of the Intellectually Disabled - India. In: Successful Projects - What Makes Them Work? A Cross-National Analysis. Inclusion International, London, pp. 16-20.


Lambe, Danielle, Murphy, Carol and Kelly, Michelle E. (2015) The Impact of a Precision Teaching Intervention on the Reading Fluency of Typically Developing Children. Behavioral Interventions, 30 (4). pp. 364-377. ISSN 1099-078X


McCrory, Cathal and McNally, Sinéad (2013) The Effect of Pregnancy Intention on Maternal Prenatal Behaviours and Parent and Child Health: Results of an Irish Cohort Study. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 27 (2). pp. 208-215. ISSN 1365-3016

McGinnity, Frances, Murray, Aisling and McNally, Sinéad (2012) Childcare use and choice in a nationally representative sample of children in Ireland. In: GUI Annual Conference, 29 November 2012, Dublin. (Unpublished)

McGinnity, Frances, Murray, Aisling and McNally, Sinéad (2013) Growing Up in Ireland : National Longitudinal Study of Children : Mothers' return to work and childcare choices for infants in Ireland. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin. ISBN 9781406427752

McNally, Sinéad (2010) Childcare in early childhood. In: Growing Up In Ireland Research Conference, 29 November 2010, Alexander Hotel, Merrion Sq., Dublin 2.. (Unpublished)

McNally, Sinéad (2012) Researching Child Outcomes: Implementing Rigorous Evaluations in the Community. In: Annual Children's Research Network in Ireland and Northern Ireland Conference, 26 September 2012, Dublin. (Unpublished)

McNally, Sinéad (2013) Using Key Findings from CDI's Independent Evaluations: Informing Primary Care Policy and Practice. In: Keynote Speaker Primary Care Seminar, 22 March 2013, Childhood Development Initiative, Dublin. (Unpublished)

McNally, Sinéad (2012) Voice of community. In: Respond Annual Conference, 21 September 2012, Dublin . (Unpublished)

McNally, Sinéad and Bourke, Ashling (2012) Periconceptional Folic Acid Supplementation in a Nationally Representative Sample of Mothers. Irish Medical Journal, 105 (7). pp. 236-238.

McNally, Sinéad, Bourke, Ashling and McCrory, Cathal (2011) Determinants of peri-conceptional folic acid use in Ireland: findings from the infant cohort of Growing Up in Ireland. In: Growing Up in Ireland Research Conference, 1 December 2011, Berkeley Hotel, Dublin. (Unpublished)

McNally, Sinéad, Kent, Gráinne, Fagan, Beth and Bleach, Josephine (2015) Knowledge Exchange in Early Childhood Research and Practice: Findings from the Early Learning Initiative and the National College of Ireland. In: OMEP Ireland AGM and Annual Research Conference, 25 April 2015, University College Cork, Cork. (Submitted)

McNally, Sinéad, Kent, Gráinne, Fagan, Beth and Bleach, Josephine (2016) Knowledge Exchange in Early Childhood Research and Practice: Findings from the Early Learning Initiative and the National College of Ireland. An Leanbh Óg: The OMEP Ireland Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 10. pp. 153-161. ISSN 2009-5910

McNally, Sinéad and Quigley, Jean (2007) ABA and autism intervention: unnecessary constraints. In: Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) Conference, 2007, Killarney. (Unpublished)

McNally, Sinéad and Quigley, Jean (2008) Theory in practice: behaviour theory and autism intervention. In: British Psychological Society Conference, April 2008, RDS, Dublin. (Unpublished)

McNally, Sinéad, Quigley, Jean, McCrory, Cathal and Murray, Aisling (2015) Identifying Resilience in Early Child Language Development. In: International Convention for Psychological Science, 13 March 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Submitted)

McNally, Sinéad, Share, Michelle and Murray, Aisling (2014) Prevalence and Predictors of Grandparent Childcare in Ireland: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample of Infants and their Families. Child Care in Practice, 20 (2). pp. 182-193. ISSN 1476-489X

McNally, Sinéad and Smith, Gráinne (2012) Creating a health promoting school environment: lessons from a healthy school's programme. In: Institute of Public Health Conference, 11 October 2012, Queen's University Belfast. (Unpublished)

Moffit, Lucy M. (2022) The Influence of Parenting Styles and Parental Communication on Self-Talk in Young People: A Qualitative Study. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Moore, Michelle, McGrath, Linda and O’Neill, Jennifer (2018) Parent Child Home Programme. In: Prevention and Early Intervention Network (PEIN) Conference, April 2018, Dublin, Ireland.


O'Brien, Fearghal, Chaurasia, A. and Simons-Morton, Bruce G. (2015) Parental knowledge during high school and subsequent alcohol use post high school. In: 2015 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, 19th-21st March 2015, Philadelphia, PA. (Submitted)

O'Leary, Tess, Hurley, Oisin, Kirwan, Suzanne, Kent, Gráinne and Bleach, Josephine (2018) Exploring early childhood language exposure in Irish homes. In: Early Childhood Irelands Research and Practice Seminar 2018, 13th-14th April 2018, Croke Park, Dublin. (Submitted)

O'Leary, Tess and Kent, Gráinne (2018) The Home Literacy Environment: A Comparison of Graduates of the Parent Child Home Programme to National Norms. In: Early Learning Initiative Early Years Conference 'The Constitutional Role of Parents as the Primary Educators of their Children’, June 2018, National College of Ireland, Dublin.

O'Neill, Jennifer, Goulding, Sonya and Alcala, Alexandra (2023) Parenting 365: A family-centred support programme for children with developmental delay and additional needs. In: CARN Bulletin 25. CARN (Collaborative Action Research Network), Dublin, Ireland, pp. 3-8. ISBN 978-1-910029-96-1

O'Neill, Siobhán (2023) Follow-up Evaluation Study of the ParentChild+ Programme. Project Report. National College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.

O'Neill, Siobhán and Dennehy, Holly (2023) Experiences of Engaging with the Parenting365 Programme. Project Report. National College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.

Oke, Meera (1995) An Ethnographic Assessment of the Family. In: Measurement and Assessment of the Family. Sage, New Delhi, India.

Oke, Meera (1994) Expression of Management Skills in School Going Children's Spontaneous Play. In: Indo Swedish Conference on the Child's Right to Play. Indo Swedish Conference on the Child's Right to Play, Pune.

Oke, Meera (2010) The Quadrant that influences the outcome of adoption "the Institution": an Indian perspective. In: Third International Conference on Adoption Research, 11th-15th July 2010, Leiden, the Netherlands. (Submitted)

Oke, Meera (2010) Report of the Baseline Study of Early Childhood Education in the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) tribal project in Dharni Block, Amravati District, Maharashtra. Project Report. Centre for Learning Resources, Pune, India.

Oke, Meera (1991) Study material for a course on Family and Child Welfare. Documentation. Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India. (Unpublished)

Oke, Meera (1992) Study material in Marathi (regional Indian language) for a course on Child Development. Documentation. Yashwantrao Chawhan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik. (Unpublished)

Oke, Meera (2013) Study materials for modules on Child Development, Therapeutic Play Skills, Human Development. Documentation. Portobello Institute, Dublin. (Unpublished)

Oke, Meera (2004) Using Arts for Cooperative Learning in Early Childhood Education. In: 25th International Conference on Cooperative Learning, June 2004, Singapore. (Submitted)

Oke, Meera (1993) Using Ethnographic Methods in Human Development Research. In: Human development and family studies in India : an agenda for research and policy. Sage, New Delhi, India. ISBN 9780803991149

Oke, Meera (2006) Which developmental science is appropriate for developing countries? In: 19th ISSBD Biennial Meeting, July 2006, Melbourne, Australia. (Submitted)

Oke, Meera and Agashe, M. (2001) A 'Grip'ing Theatre: A unique experiment in Indo-German collaboration in Theatre for children and youth (1983-2001). DATE in association with German Festival in India 2000-2001, Pune.

Oke, Meera, Khattar, Archna, Pant, Prarthana and Saraswathi, T. S. (1999) A Profile of Children's Play in Urban India. Childhood, 6 (2). pp. 207-219. ISSN 1461-7013

Oke, Meera, Khot, D. and Kulkarni, S. (2001) Watching with Rapt attention. In: A 'Grip'ing Theatre: A unique experiment in Indo-German collaboration in Theatre for children and youth (1983-2001). DATE in association with German Festival in India 2000-2001, Pune, pp. 89-96.

Oke, Meera, Pandya, P., Noorami, A. and Kamat, N. (1992) Expression of social skills in unorganized group play of children: an ethnographic study. International Journal of Psychology, 27 (3-4). p. 255. ISSN 1464-066X

O’Donoghue, Gráinne (2022) Traumasensitive Education in Ireland: perceptions and experiences of educators working in alternative settings working with young people affected by adverse experiences or trauma. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Pitsia, Vasiliki and Kent, Gráinne (2017) Which factors can predict students' problem solving skills? The case of nine-year olds in Ireland. In: Growing Up in Ireland Research Conference, 7th November 2017, Croke Park, Dublin. (Submitted)


Quigley, Jean and McNally, Sinéad (2013) Maternal communicative style in interaction with infant siblings of children with Autism. Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 4 (1). pp. 51-69. ISSN 1879-7873

Quigley, Jean and McNally, Sinéad (2012) Maternal response patterns to infant vocalisations: A comparison of at-high-risk-for-autism (HR) infants and a group of low-risk (LR) infant controls. In: Early Language Acquisition Conference, 5-7 December 2012, Lyon, France. (Unpublished)

Quigley, Jean and McNally, Sinéad (2013) Mother-infant interaction corpus: Infant siblings at risk of autism spectrum disorders and typically developing infants. [Dataset]

Quigley, Jean and McNally, Sinéad (2011) A longitudinal analysis of maternal infant directed speech (IDS) to perverbal infants at-risk for ASD. In: International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) Conference, 11-14 May 2011, San Diego, California. (Unpublished)

Quigley, Jean, McNally, Sinéad and Lawson, S (2013) Prosody in infant-mother dyads at-risk of autism. In: Child Language Seminar, June 2013, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Quigley, Jean, McNally, Sinéad and Lawson, Sarah (2016) Prosodic Patterns in Interaction of Low-Risk and at-Risk-of-Autism Spectrum Disorders Infants and Their Mothers at 12 and 18 Months. Language Learning and Development. ISSN 1547-3341


Rokita, Karolina I., Dauvermann, Maria R., Mothersill, David, Holleran, Laurena, Bhatnagar, Paridhi, McNicholas, Áine, McKernan, Declan, Morris, Derek W., Kelly, John, Hallahan, Brian, McDonald, Colm and Donohoe, Gary (2021) Current psychosocial stress, childhood trauma and cognition in patients with schizophrenia and healthy participants. Schizophrenia Research, 237. pp. 115-121. ISSN 0920-9964

Rokita, Karolina I., Dauvermann, Maria R., Mothersill, David, Holleran, Laurena, Holland, Jessica, Costelloe, Laura, Cullen, Caroline, Kane, Ruán, McKernan, Declan, Morris, Derek W., Kelly, John, Gill, Michael, Corvin, Aiden, Hallahan, Brian, McDonald, Colm and Donohoe, Gary (2020) Childhood trauma, parental bonding, and social cognition in patients with schizophrenia and healthy adults. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77 (1). pp. 241-253. ISSN 1097-4679

Rokita, Karolina I., Holleran, Laurena, Dauvermann, Maria R., Mothersill, David, Holland, Jessica, Costelloe, Laura, Kane, Ruan, McKernan, Declan, Morris, Derek W., Kelly, John P., Corvin, Aiden, Hallahan, Brian, McDonald, Colm and Donohoe, Gary (2020) Childhood trauma, brain structure and emotion recognition in patients with schizophrenia and healthy participants. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 15 (12). pp. 1325-1339. ISSN 1749-5024


Smith, Gráinne and McNally, Sinéad (2013) A three-pronged approach to early intervention speech and language delivery in the community. An Leanbh Óg: The OMEP Ireland Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 7. pp. 119-128.


Wheatley, Emma (2017) Zoom Ahead with Books: Development of Children’s Enthusiasm for Reading through Parental Involvement. In: OMEP Ireland Conference, 20th May 2017, University College Cork, Cork. (Submitted)

Wheatley, Emma, Conroy, Mairéad and Kent, Gráinne (2016) Building capacity and promoting numeracy awareness - Dublin Docklands and East Inner City Early Numeracy Project. In: 26th EECERA Conference 2016, 31st August - 1st September 2016, Dublin City University, Dublin. (Submitted)

Wheatley, Emma and Mooney, Karen (2017) Cultivating Hope for Brighter Futures: Restorative Engagement in a Divided Community – Dublin. In: IIRP Europe Conference, "Conflict in Europe: Meeting the Challenge", 9th-10th May 2017, Citywest Hotel, Citywest, Dublin. (Submitted)

Wheatley, Emma and Mooney, Karen (2017) Cultivating Hope for Brighter Futures: Restorative Engagement to Promote Empathy in Children and Young People. In: UNESCO CFRC 8th Biennial International Conference, 8th-9th June 2017, National University of Ireland, Galway. (Submitted)

Wheatley, Emma and Moore, Michelle (2018) Let's Talk: emotional literacy book and programme. In: CARN Conference 2018, 25-27 October 2018, Friends Meeting House, Manchester, UK.

Williams, James, Greene, Sheila, Doyle, Erika, Harris, Elaine, McDaid, Rory, McNally, Sinéad, Merriman, Brían, Nixon, Elizabeth and Swords, Lorraine (2008) Growing Up in Ireland - National Longitudinal Study of Children. Wave 1 at 9 years [collection]. [Dataset]

Williams, James, Greene, Sheila, McNally, Sinéad, Murray, Aisling and Quail, Amanda (2010) Growing Up in Ireland : National Longitudinal Study of Children : The Infants and their Families. Department of Health and Children, Dublin. ISBN 9781406423143

Williams, James, Murray, Aisling, McCrory, Cathal and McNally, Sinéad (2013) Growing Up in Ireland: National Longitudinal Study of Children : Development from Birth to Three Years. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin. ISBN 9781406427769

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