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Items where Subject is "Industrial Relations"

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Number of items at this level: 79.


Allen, Brian (2013) Employee Voice and participation in the Irish Retail Sector : a comparative study of the extent to which workers are able to express their views in unionised and non-unionised settings within the Irish supermarket industry. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Connolly, John (1996) Trade Unions and Industrial Competitiveness. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Costigan, Lucy (2005) Professional and Personal Development and Trade Union Membership of Information Technology Workers in the Republic of Ireland and the United States. Volume 1. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Costigan, Lucy (2005) Professional and Personal Development and Trade Union Membership of Information Technology Workers in the Republic of Ireland and the United States. Volume 2. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Edwards, P.K. and Whitston, Colin (1989) Industrial Discipline, the Control of Attendance, and the Subordination of Labour: Towards an Integrated Analysis. Work, Employment & Society, 3 (1). pp. 1-28. ISSN 0950-0170

Edwards, P.K. and Whitston, Colin (1991) Workers Are Working Harder: Effort and Shop-floor Relations in the 1980s. British Journal Of Industrial Relations, 29 (4). pp. 593-601. ISSN 1467-8543

Edwards, Paul and Whitston, Colin (1993) Attending To Work: The Management Of Attendance And Shopfloor Order. Warwick Studies in Industrial Relations . Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 0631191151

Edwards, Paul and Whitston, Colin (1990) What is going on in the workplace? Social Science Teacher : The Journal of the Association for the Teaching of the Social Sciences, 23 (3). pp. 4-6.

Egan, Gerard (2007) Second Generation Workplace Partnership In The Public Sector - A Case Study. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Grant, Wyn, Patterson, C. and Whitston, Colin (1987) Government-Industry Relations in the Chemical Industry : An Anglo-German comparison. In: Comparative Government-Industry Relations : Western Europe, the United States, and Japan. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 35-60. ISBN 9780198274933


Hastings, Tim (2003) Politics, Management and Industrial Relations: Semis-State Companies and The Challenges of Marketization. Blackhall Publishing, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. ISBN 1842180665

Hastings, Tim (1994) Semi-States in crisis : the challenge for industrial relations in the ESB and other major semi-state companies. Irish Studies in Management . Oak Tree Press, Dublin. ISBN 187285379x

Hastings, Tim (2008) The State of The Unions: Challenges Facing Organised Labour in Ireland. The Changing World of Work . Liffey Press, Dublin. ISBN 9781905785490

Hastings, Tim, Sheehan, Brian and Yeates, Padraig (2007) Saving the future : how social partnership shaped Ireland's economic success. Blackhall Publishing, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. ISBN 9781842181355


Jefferys, Steve and Whitston, Colin (1996) Les sciences sociales et le syndicalisme en Grand-Bretagne : divorce ou simple separation. Revue Internationale de Psychologie, 1. pp. 77-105.

Jefferys, Steve, Whitston, Colin and Roe, Alan (2001) Taking the Pulse of British Trade Unionism : Inside the Communication Workers' Union. In: European Working Lives : Continuities and Change in Management and Industrial Relations in France, Scandinavia and the UK. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 157-172. ISBN 9781840644760


Kos, Hrvoje (2015) Factors that affect employee voice in non-union organisations. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Lynch, Jeremiah (2006) An exploratory study of the likely cultural impact of the Information and Consultation Directive 2002, on Irish-based, US multinationals. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.



McCabe, Thomas, J. (2006) Recent Changes in Irish Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management. People Focus, 4 (3).

McCarthy, Adrian (2020) A Qualitative Investigation on the Future Role of Trade Unions in Ireland’s Employment Relations Landscape. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.

Mooney, Paul (2005) Union-free : creating a committed and productive workforce. The Liffey Press, Dublin. ISBN 1904148719


O'Dowd, John and Hastings, Tim (1997) Human Resource Management in The Public Sector. Working Paper. University College Dublin, Dublin.


Pendharkar, Shantanu Rajiv (2020) The Impact of Conflict Resolution on Staff Morale in the Irish Travel and Tourism Sector. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Quigg, Anne-Marie and Martin, Sheila K. (2016) Essential requirements for developing best practice. In: The Handbook of Dealing with Workplace Bullying. Taylor & Francis, pp. 213-235. ISBN 978-131702950-2


Sisson, Keith, Waddington, Jeremy and Whitston, Colin (1991) Company Size in The European Union. Human Resource Management Journal, 2 (1). pp. 94-109. ISSN 1748-8583

Sisson, Keith, Waddington, Jeremy and Whitston, Colin (1992) The Structure of Capital in The European Community: The Size of Companies and The Implications For Industrial Relations. Working Paper. University of Warwick, Coventry.

Slevin, Kieran (1997) The Influence of Human Resource Management on the Development and Maintenence of a Culture of Non-unionism in a Modern Multi-national. Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Tailby, Stephanie, Whitston, Colin, Evans, Stephen, Lewis, Roy, Walsh, Janet, Turnbull, Peter, J. and Terry, Michael (1989) Manufacturing Change: Industrial Relations and Restructuring. Warwick Studies in Industrial Relations . Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 0631159835

Tatten, Robert (2015) The Haddington Road Agreement. Will moving from a voluntarism system to a binding system work and will it deliver mechanisms that will resolve issues at local level? Masters thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.


Waddington, Jeremy and Whitston, Colin (1996) Collectivism in a changing context : Union joining and bargaining preferences among White-collar staff. In: The Challenges to Trade Unions in Europe : Innovation Or Adaption. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 153-167. ISBN 9781782541318

Waddington, Jeremy and Whitston, Colin (1996) Empowerment versus Intensification : Union perspectives on Change in the Workplace. In: The new workplace and trade unionism. Routledge, London, pp. 149-177. ISBN 9780415116763

Waddington, Jeremy and Whitston, Colin (1994) Hoogekwalificeerd en toch Georganiseerd. Tijdschrift Voor Arbeid en Bewustzijn, 18. pp. 147-156. ISSN 0166-6088

Waddington, Jeremy and Whitston, Colin (1994) The Politics of Restructuring : Trade Unions on the Defensive in Britain Since 1979. Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 49 (4). pp. 794-820. ISSN 0034-379X

Waddington, Jeremy and Whitston, Colin (1992) Research as engagement : Trade Unionism into the Nineties. In: Trade Unions and Social Research. Avebury, London, pp. 24-44. ISBN 9781856283540

Waddington, Jeremy and Whitston, Colin (1995) Trade Unions : Growth, Structure and Policy. In: Industrial Relations : theory & practice in Britain. Blackwell Publisher Ltd, Oxford, pp. 151-202. ISBN 0631191666

Waddington, Jeremy and Whitston, Colin (1997) Why Do People Join Unions in a Period of Membership Decline? British Journal Of Industrial Relations, 35 (4). pp. 515-546. ISSN 1467-8543

Waddington, Jeremy and Whitston, Colin (1995) Work intensification and grievances at unionised workplaces in the UK. Industrielle Beziehungen, 2 (4). pp. 414-443. ISSN 0943-2779

Whitston, Colin (2013) The 1913 Dublin lockout and the British and International Labour Movements. In: A Capital in Conflict: Dublin City and The 1913 Lockout. Dublin City Council, Dublin, pp. 27-56. ISBN 9781907002106

Whitston, Colin (1989) Attendance, Control, Commitment and Compliance : A Hospital Case Study. In: Joint Consultative Meeting of a Midlands District Health Authority, 1989.

Whitston, Colin (1988) British and German Chemical Unions : Conflict and Change. In: Joint ESRC Anglo-German Society seminar, 1988, Goethe Institut, London.

Whitston, Colin (2000) Changing Trade Union Membership New Diversity, New Democracy? A Contribution to the Debate from Union Membership Surveys'. In: Economic and Social Research Council Seminars : Work, Women & Trade Unions, 2000, Manchester Harris College, Oxford.

Whitston, Colin (1991) Chemical Unions in Britain and Germany. In: International Markets and Global Firms : A Comparative Study of Organized Business. Sage, London, pp. 189-227. ISBN 9780803984363

Whitston, Colin (1998) Collectivism and union recruitment. Does class still unite? In: Belgian Industrial Relations Association, 1998, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.

Whitston, Colin (2006) James Connolly and Trade Unionism - The struggle for an independent working class politics. In: Irish Labour History Society, 2006, Dublin.

Whitston, Colin (1994) Membership Recruitment and Local Union Organisation. In: MSF Special National Executive Conference, 1994, London.

Whitston, Colin (1992) New Members : Recruitment, Support and Bargaining Priorities : A Presentation to the Executive Council of the Society of Telecoms Executives. In: Executive Council of the Society of Telecoms Executives, 1992, STE, Glasgow.

Whitston, Colin (1992) New Members' Bargaining Priorities in the Society of Telecoms Executives. In: STE, 1992, Arthur Willets House, London.

Whitston, Colin (1995) New Trade Union Members : Recruitment and Bargaining Priorities - Some Survey Evidence. In: School of Business and Economic Studies, 1995, Leeds University.

Whitston, Colin (1996) New Trade Union Members Bargaining Priorities : Interest Aggregation in the 1990s. In: Keele University, 1996.

Whitston, Colin (1991) A Report on Research Findings in the Transport and General Workers Union. In: Transport and General Workers Union , 1991, Transport House, London.

Whitston, Colin (2002) Social Partnership - a trap for the unwary. Federation News. pp. 12-14.

Whitston, Colin (1988) The State and the Limits to the return to Free Competition. In: Industrial Relations Unit Two Day Conference on Questions of Restructing Work and Employment, 1988, Warwick University.

Whitston, Colin (1991) Trade Unions and Employment Structure : Who's in the Union Now? In: Annual London Regional School, 1991, Amalgamated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen, London.

Whitston, Colin (2003) Trade Unions and Social Partnership in the UK. In: Department of Management seminar, October 2003, National University of Ireland, Galway.

Whitston, Colin (1992) Trade Unions and the Changing Labour Market. In: Manufacturing, Science & Finance Annual Regional School, 1992, Scarborough.

Whitston, Colin (2007) The Trouble with Social Partnership. In: Royal College of Nursing, 2007.

Whitston, Colin (2002) Unions and Social Partnership : Debate with Industrial Participation. In: Manchester Industrial Relations Association, 2002, Salford University.

Whitston, Colin (2011) Wage Floors in Ireland. In: FEPS/TASC Seminar, 2011, Cork.

Whitston, Colin (2001) The chimera of social partnership. In: Assessing Parnership' Conference, May 2001, Pinsent Curtis Biddle, & School of Business and Economic Studies, Leeds University.

Whitston, Colin (2013) The reform of Joint Labour Committees - The Re-Commodification of Labour? In: 16th Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Conference, 2-4 September 2013, Waterford Institute of Technology.

Whitston, Colin (2014) The reform of Joint Labour Committees — the re-commodification of labour? Industrial Relations Journal, 45 (5). pp. 409-423. ISSN 0019-8692

Whitston, Colin and Jefferys, Steve (1997) The CWU in 1996 - Report of a Membership Study. In: Communication Workers Union National Conference, 1997, Jersey.

Whitston, Colin, Jefferys, Steve and Roe, Alan (1997) CWU Membership Survey Results. In: Communication Workers Union National Executive Committee, 1997, London.

Whitston, Colin and Nolan, Jimmy (2012) Privatisation : Robbing the People's Wealth. Trade Union Left Forum, Dublin.

Whitston, Colin, Roe, Alan and Jefferys, Steve (1999) Job regulation and the managerial challenge to trade unions: evidence from two union membership surveys. Industrial Relations Journal, 30 (5). pp. 482-498. ISSN 1468-2338

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1995) Membership Recruitment and Local Union Organisation. In: GMB Congress, 1995, Brighton.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1994) Membership Recruitment, Bargaining Priorities and Activist Training in the GMB. In: GMB National Committee/Regional Secretaries meeting, 1994, London.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1994) New Forms of Bargaining and Participation : The Perspectives of Active Union Members. In: Finnish Labour Relations Association Conference, 1994, Helsinki.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1995) New Working Practices and Membership Grievances. In: Unions '95 Researchers' Seminar, 1995, TUC, London.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1994) Occupational Differences, Union Joining, and Bargaining Priorities. In: Unions' 94 Researchers' Seminar, October 1994, London.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1993) Professional Workers and Trade Union Membership : Occupational Differences and Recruitment. In: Loughborough University , 1993, Loughborough University .

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1995) Recruitment and Membership Bargaining Priorities. In: Royal College of Nursing Executive Council Conference, 1995, London.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1990) Trade Union Membership, Structure and Organization. In: Industrial Relations Services Conference on Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining in the 1990s, 1990, Industrial Relations Research Unit, London.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1994) Why Join a Union? In: Campaigning for the Future, Unions '94 Conference, 1994, TUC, London.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1993) Why do White Collar Staff join Unions? - Some Evidence on the Tension between Individual Activity and Collective Organization. In: Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, 1993, Cardiff University.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1994) Why join a union? New Statesman. pp. 36-38.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1993) Why sign up? New trade union members' reasons for joining. Irish Industrial Relations Review, 2 (3). pp. 18-21.

Whitston, Colin and Waddington, Jeremy (1992) Workplace Change and Union Organisation. In: Industrial Relations in the European Community Conference, 1992, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin .

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