Cummins, Lána, Goulding, Sonya, Alcala, Alexandra, O'Neill, Siobhán and Dennehy, Holly (2023) Experiences of Engaging with the Parenting365 Programme. In: European Early Childhood Education Research Association 31st Conference (EECERA). EECERA, Lisbon, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Goulding, Sonya, Rowsome-Kelly, Céilim and Alcala, Alexandra (2023) The Experiences of ParentChild+ Home Visitors Adopting a State of Curiosity When Reflecting on Their Self-Care. In: European Early Childhood Education Research Association 31st Conference (EECERA). EECERA, Lisbon, Portugal. (Unpublished)
O'Neill, Jennifer, Goulding, Sonya and Alcala, Alexandra (2022) Parenting 365: A family-centred support pilot programme for parents with children with developmental delay and additional needs. In: Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) Conference. CARN, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Dennehy, Holly, O'Neill, Jennifer, Goulding, Sonya and Darmody, Kate (2022) Evaluation of the Parenting365 programme: Supporting children with additional needs living in an area of socio-economic disadvantage. In: National College of Ireland Research Day. National College of Ireland, Dublin. (Unpublished)
Flood, Catriona, Darmody, Kate, Wheatley, Emma and Goulding, Sonya (2021) The Path to a Restorative Neighbourhood: Restorative Practices in the North East Inner City 2014-2021. In: ELI Restorative Practices Webinar, 10 June 2021, National College of Ireland, Dublin (online).