Campbell, Lauren (2016) Technical Report: Where Mah Dupes at: A makeup dupe website and forum. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.
Crosbie, Niall (2016) Requirements for a Dublin Fire Brigade website. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.
Fox, Michael (2016) Using Requirements elicitation techniques to gather website requirements for St Malachys Football Club. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.
Glennon, Darren (2016) Seaview Golf Club: IEEE Website Requirements Specification Document. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.
Harper, Alan (2016) The requirements for a Total Fitness and Nutrition website. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.
Mulero, Akeem (2016) Technical Report: Requirements for a NCI Student Mobile App Development. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.
Sweeney, Paul (2016) Big Data in Formula 1 and Statistical Findings from Past Records. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.
Warren, Seán (2016) Requirements for a proposed website for Early Learning Initiative. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.
Weston, Leah (2016) Go Health. Undergraduate thesis, Dublin, National College of Ireland.